Browsing AU-IBAR Initiatives and Project Reports by Title
Now showing items 13-32 of 337
A Laboratory Manual on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Laboratory Tests and Testing procedures for Trade Related Transboundary Animal Diseases
The arid and semi-arid lands of the Horn of Africa (HOA) are home to poor and vulnerable populations, the majority of whom rely on livestock to sustain livelihoods. However, the performance of livestock in the region ... -
The FAO avian Influenza project conducted a rapid assessment of biosecurity status using a few selected districts in Kenya. The importance of the study was based on the fact that biosecurity is the cheapest and one of the ... -
Rinderpest eradication is a global objective and the African Union / Inter African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU / IBAR), through the Pan African Programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE), is spearheading the ... -
An Assessment of Veterinary Service Delivery Systems in the Somali Eco-System
Rinderpest eradication is a global objective and the African Union / Inter African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU / IBAR), through the Pan African Programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE), is spearheading the ... -
An Assessment tie economic Viability of Private Animal Health Service Delivery in Pastoral Areas of-Kenya--.pdf
Livestock keeping is an essential component of the economic well-being of people in sub-Saharan Africa. It provides food, manure, traction, hides and skins, wool and economic security and also contributes to the cultural ... -
Annual meeting of the OIE ad hoc Group on Non Tsetse Transmitted Animal Trypanosomoses (Paris , France , World Health Organisation for Animal Health HQ 23 May 2004 ).
Annual meeting of the OIE ad hoc Group on Non Tsetse Transmitted Animal Trypanosomoses ( Paris , France , World Health Organisation for Animal Health HQ 23 May 2004 ). -
Annual Operational Review 2003 ESA Region EC Co-operation
The Cotonou Agreement attaches particular emphasis to regional economic integration and the role of regional organisations (see Art.28-30 and Annex IV, Art. 6-14). Regional organisations with an economic integration mandate ... -
The European Commission has supported the continent-wide fight against rinderpest, through the Pan African Rinderpest Campaign (PARC). This project has had considerable success and The Gambia has been declared provisionally ... -
Annual work programme _ cost estimate for PACE Tanzania Year 2 (1st November 2002 to 31st October 2003).
This is a second Annual Work Plan and Cost Estimate for the PACE (Tanzania) Component which is part of the Regional Pan-African Programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE) under the African Union Inter-African Bureau ... -
Annual work programme _ cost estimate for PACE Tanzania(1st November 2002 to 31st October 2003).
This is a second Annual Work Plan and Cost Estimate for the PACE (Tanzania) Component which is part of the Regional Pan-African Programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE) under the Organization of African Unity ... -
Aquaculture Aux Seychelles: Histoire, État Actuel du Jeu et Lecons Apprises.
Le déclin des pêcheries de capture traditionnellement fiables et l’augmentation de la demande en matière de poissons aux Seychelles représente une préoccupation d’envergure en termes d’économie et de sécurité alimentaire. ... -
Assessment of Biiodiversity in the projeet areas of Western Kenya Report Qn Butterflies 9-16 August 2004..PDF
Assessment of Biiodiversity in the projeet areas of Western Kenya Report Qn Butterflies 9-16 August 2004..PDF -
Assessment of disease risk and tsetse challenge Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda..PDF
Le projet FITCA a pour objectif la promotion et le developpement de l'elevage dans des zones d'Afrique de ('Est oU les glossines et la trypanosomose representent des contraintes majeures. Le volet « Suivi de I'environnement ... -
Assessment of marketing channels for crops, livestock and their products and inputs for agricultural production in south eastern Uganda..PDF
This report is an output from a study conducted in August 2003. The FITCA Project is introducing a number of interventions, aimed at decreasing losses in productivity due to animal trypanosomosis, while at the same time ... -
Atelier de validation du cadre d’établissement d’une cellule de coordination régionale de suivi, Contrôle et surveillance des pêches (SCS) dans la zone COREP ainsi que des protocoles y afférents VOL1
(2018-05-10)cette réunion était le résultat de la collaboration entre l'UA-BIRA et la COREP pour établir une coopération régionale sur les systèmes de suivi, de contrôle et de surveillance des pêches pour lutter efficacement contre ... -
Atelier de validation du cadre d’établissement d’une cellule de coordination régionale de suivi, Contrôle et surveillance des pêches (SCS) dans la zone COREP ainsi que des protocoles y afférents VOL2
(2018-05-10)définir les modalités pratiques de mise en place d’une Cellule de Coordination Régionale SCS (CCR-SCS) au niveau de l’espace maritime couvert par la Commission Régionale des Pêches du Golfe de Guinée (COREP).