AU-IBAR Initiatives and Project Reports
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The African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) is a specialized technical office of the African Union. It was established in 1951 and was initially known as the Inter-African Bureau of Epizootic Diseases. Initially it was mainly concerned with rinderpest control, but its mandate was expanded to other major animal diseases in 1956 and finally to all aspects of animal resource development in 1970.
The 2005-2007 AU/IBAR programme is focused on Animal Health and production as well as trade and markets. In this context trypanosomiasis which is considered a major obstacle to African agricultural development is of particular concern to AU/IBAR.
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Recent Submissions
Call for Abstracts: Special Issue on Resilient African Feed and Fodder Systems of the Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa (BAHPA)
(2024)The RAFFS Project aspires to make substantial contributions to food security and nutrition by ensuring the continued sustainability of Africa's livestock sector through promoting development of feed and fodder systems. ... -
The first high-level coordination meeting of AU-IBAR with regional, national authorities, and partners: Harmonised and Collaborative Approach for Developing the Animal Resources Sector
(2023)The report encapsulates the virtual proceedings of the inaugural High-level Coordination Meeting of AU-IBAR held on November 24, 2023, focusing on fostering a collaborative approach to develop animal resources in Africa. ... -
Expert consultative meeting to identify priority issues and actions for enhancing the role of women in aquatic biodiversity and environmental management
(2023)Report on the expert consultative meeting to identify priority issues and actions for enhancing the role of women in aquatic biodiversity and environmental management. -
Report on the Galo Sota – Galotse crema election of Community Resource Management Committee (CRMC) and Crema Executive Committee (CEC) election
(2023)A Report on the Galo Sota – Galotse crema election of Community Resource Management Committee (CRMC) and Crema Executive Committee (CEC) election. This activity was implemented under the Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in ... -
Strategy for Institutional Coordination Between RECs and RFBs and Strengthening Their Relationships with NSAs
(2023)This Policy Brief is the consolidation of the outcomes of the deliberations of the AFRM Working Groups and the Think Tank Executive Committee inaugural meetings and workshops organized by African Union-Inter-African Bureau ... -
36th ISCTRC Programme and Book of Abstracts.
(2023)36th International Scientific Council For Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) Programme and Book of Abstracts. -
Orientation workshop for fisheries and aquaculture experts on the CAADP/MALABO
(2016-09)Report on the orientation workshop for fisheries and aquaculture experts on the CAADP/MALABO held from 19-21 September 2016, in Lome, Togo -
Report of the training workshop on capacity building for fisheries statistical data collection analysis and utilization of scientific data for informed decision-making in fisheries and aquaculture
(2016-09)Report of the training workshop on capacity building for fisheries statistical data collection analysis and utilization of scientific data for informed decision-making in fisheries and aquaculture. Meeting took place from ... -
Report of the 35th meeting of the SADC Technical Committee on Fisheries
(2016)Report of the 35th meeting of the SADC Technical Committee on Fisheries. Meeting took place in Gaborone, Botswana. -
Report of the consultative meeting to validate the terms of reference and rules of procedure for RFBS and establishment of a continental platform for regional fisheries bodies in Africa
(2015)Report of the consultative meeting to validate the terms of reference and rules of procedure for RFBS and establishment of a continental platform for regional fisheries bodies in Africa. The meeting took place from 22nd – ... -
Expert consultative workshop on the development of indicators and criteria for domestication of the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa
(2015-05)Report on the expert consultative workshop on the development of indicators and criteria for domestication of the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa. The meeting was held in Kampala, ... -
Think tank validation meeting for the indicators and criteria for alignment of national and regional fisheries and aquaculture policies to the policy framework and reform strategy for fisheries and aquaculture in Africa as well as global fisheries and aquaculture instruments
(2015-07)Report on the think tank validation meeting for the indicators and criteria for alignment of national and regional fisheries and aquaculture policies to the policy framework and reform strategy for fisheries and aquaculture ... -
Awareness creation workshop on fishery improvement Projects (FIPs) for eco-labelling certification towards Sustainable fisheries and market access
(2015)Report on the Awareness creation workshop on fishery improvement Projects (FIPs) for eco-labelling certification towards Sustainable fisheries and market access. The meeting was held on 11th July, 2015, in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire. -
Technical Report of the Workshop on trade and improved livelihoods in aquatic production in Africa (TILAPIA) Building capacity on fish health and aquatic biosecurity to sustain and develop aquaculture and fisheries in Africa
(2014-11)Technical Report of the Workshop on trade and improved livelihoods in aquatic production in Africa (TILAPIA) Building capacity on fish health and aquatic biosecurity to sustain and develop aquaculture and fisheries in ... -
Report of the interactive workshop on lessons learnt and best practices for enhancing governance of African large Marine ecosystems
(2014-12)Report of the interactive workshop on lessons learnt and best practices for enhancing governance of African large Marine ecosystems. Meeting was held from 17-19 December 2014 Douala, Cameroon. -
Meeting on enhancing institutional collaboration in fisheries and aquaculture
(2014-07)Report on the meeting on enhancing institutional collaboration in fisheries and aquaculture held in Accra, Ghana from 10-12 July, 2014. -
Report on the Meeting on enhancing institutional collaboration in Fisheries and Aquaculture
(2014)The meeting on institutional linkages brought together representatives of Regional Fisheries Bodies (RBCs), Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Water Basin Authorities to chart a roadmap for building and strengthening ... -
Report of the Workshop On Popularizing the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa and launching the project “Strengthening institutional capacity to enhance governance of the fisheries sector in Africa”
(2014)A Report of the Workshop on Popularizing the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa and launching the project “Strengthening institutional capacity to enhance governance of the fi ... -
Report of the meeting on operationalizing the African fisheries reform mechanism (AFRM)
(2014-06)The meeting on ‘Operationalizing the African Fisheries Reform Mechanism (AFRM)’ was concluded on the 21st June 2014. Then meeting, organized by AU-IBAR in collaboration with NPCA , had participants from a broad spectrum ... -
Building from Fish Seed Production: Best Practices for a Sustainable Aquaculture Development In Africa
(2022-03)The Policy Brief was created as a result of stakeholder discussions at the inaugural meeting of the revised African Fisheries Reform Mechanism (AFRM) Think Tanks Executive Committee, which took place from 9 -11 March 2022, ...