AU-IBAR Repository: Recent submissions
Now showing items 641-660 of 843
Consolidated work programme _ cost estimate for national pace programmes of Ethiopia, Guinee Conakry, Mali, Rwanda, Senegal.
In Africa, the European Union supported a continent-wide fight against rinderpest, through the Pan-African Rinderpest Campaign (PARC), which ended on 31 October 1999, after thirteen years of successful implementation. The ... -
Rinderpest Eradication Strategy Workshop for Southern Sudan 1st 2nd August 2001 Nairobi..PDF
The Rinderpest Eradication Strategy Workshop for Southern Sudan 1-2ndAugust 2001 was organised by VSF-Belgium for the Operation Lifeline Sudan (OLS) Southern Sector Livestock Programme under the co-ordination of the Pan ... -
Service Contract financed under the 8th European Development Fund - Project Nr 8ACPTPS 32.
The report covers the period July to December 2003. During this period, two changes were made in the assignment of TAs to country/region of assignment, notably in Tanzania and Cameroon. In Tanzania, Dr Philippe Leppere ... -
AU-IBAR project profiles.
AU/IBAR Main Budget Find below a comparative budget showing approved budget for year 2006, budget requested for year 2007 and approved budget for year 2007. As regards to activities, we requested for a total sum of ... -
Programme estimate No 5 operational period from 01-11-2004 to 31-10-2005.
Ethiopia has — since 1989 participated in two subsequent programmes that is to say PARC and PACE funded mainly by the EU and focusing on the eradication of Rinderpest. The results are very promising. In fact since 1996 ... -
7th advisory committee meeting of the PACE programme 2-5 April 2003 Nairobi, Kenya.
7th advisory committee meeting of the PACE programme 2-5 April 2003 Nairobi, Kenya. -
Proposal For OAU-IBAR PACE Database Management Information System.
The incidence of poverty in Africa is not a new phenomenon. It has been there for as long as Africa itself has been there. But the people of Africa have forever used their land as the source of survival through cultivation ... -
EU-IBAR PACE programme report on the team enhancement workshop held at the Lenana House training _ confrence centre, Nairobi on 18th March 2005.
This report summarizes the proceedings and output of the Team Enhancement Workshop for the EU/IBAR PACE Programme held at the Lenana House Training & Conference Centre, Nairobi, Kenya on 18thMarch, 2005. During the workshop ... -
Pan African programme for the control of Epizootic diseases -Uganda component..PDF
Livestock production constitutes an important sub-sector of agricultural production in Uganda, contributing 16% of agricultural GDP and 7.5% of the total GDP in form of milk, meat, hides, skins and other by-products. ... -
2nd Year workplan and cost estimates for Pan-African control of epizootics..PDF
The Pan African Programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE) is a major player in the eradication of rinderpest from the last endemic areas located in East Africa. The four-year PACE programme is being implemented in ... -
Pan-African Control of Epizootics (PACE)-Terms of Reference.
The PACE programme is a major development programme financed by the EDF in the field of animal health in Africa, reaching 32 African countries. The Programme started on November 1st, 1999, and countries started the ... -
Manual on the preparation of national animal disease emergency preparedness plans..PDF
Animal disease emergencies: their nature and potential consequences Animal disease emergencies may occur when there are unexpected outbreaks of epidemic diseases or other animal health related events which have the ... -
Establishment of a Somali Regional Technical Veterinary School and Reference Centre (STVS) Phase II.
• In 1990, agriculture contributed 65% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Somalia including the livestock sector which accounted for between 40- 50%. FSAU (2002) estimates that the livestock sector now provides 55 `)/0 of ... -
Joint OAU-IBAR-IAEA Workshop on The Establishment of Area Wide and SIT Forum for the ControlEradication of Tsetse Flies..PDF
Livestock make a significant contribution to the economic development process in West and Central Africa. The livestock sub-sector contributes 30-50% to the agricultural Gross Domestic Products (GDP) and about 15-20% of ... -
Fifth conference of ministers responsible for animal resources Mbabane, Swaziland, 4th - 8th August, 1997.
This document reports on the 5th Conference of Ministers Responsible for Animal Resources in Africa. The Conference, organised by the Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (IBAR) of the Organisation of African Unity, ... -
Work programme cost estimate for PACE common services co-ordination units.
The activities of the PACE Programme's Common Services and Co-ordination Units for the 12 months beginning on 1 June 2001 are described in this document. The combined activities of the various teams in the Common Services ... -
Pan-African programme for the Control of Epizootics Final report regional technical assistance 2003 - 2006.
The regional technical assistant (RTA) for the West African Sahelian countries now covers a cluster of 10 countries : Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. The Gambia was added to the list as ... -
Evaluation of PACE Staff Competencies, the Management Structure, Management Systems and the Working Relations.
(i) Through the Organization of African Unity, now the African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU/IBAR) the European Union has funded a five year Euro 72 million programme to support the livestock sector ... -
Dossier on application for Rinderpest disease free status..PDF
Nigeria is situated in the South Eastern part of West Africa and is bordered to the West by Benin Republic, North by Niger Republic, East by Cameroon, North East by Chad Republic and to the South by the Atlantic Ocean. ... -
Pan African Veterinary Vaccine Center PANVAC Work plan and budget Period 15 May 2004-31st October 2004.PDF
Livestock in Africa's economy: In 1998 the population of livestock in Africa was estimated at 204 million head of cattle, 212 million sheep, 182 million goats, 4 million horses, 3 millions Camel, 22 million pigs, and 1 ...