Sheikh Technical Veterinary School Curriculum Development (Nairobi and Bologna Workshops).
(en=English; ar=Arabic; fr=French; pt=Portuguese)
African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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The development of a curriculum for the Sheikh Technical Veterinary School (STVS) is
one of the most important activities of the first phase of the project. There are different
approaches to identify and develop a school curriculum: analysis of existing curricula,
views of recent graduates, copying it from institutions with similar educational goals or
operating in analogous socio-economic environment and then adapt it to local
circumstances. In the case of STVS, the development of a new curriculum is perceived as
a necessary means to involve Somali tutors in a critical evaluation of educational needs in
the veterinary sector and in the analysis of peculiarities of the Somali livestock industry.
In the absence of any academic institution for more than ten years, the development of a
common and shared vision among Somali academicians is perceived as an important step
for the re-establishment of a tertiary educational system. This should also contributes to
foster the intellectual ownership of the school among Somali communities. Finally, it
should also enhance relevance of educational objectives of STVS,
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