Establishment of a Regional Livestock Development Programme for Eastern Africa (RLDP).

(en=English; ar=Arabic; fr=French; pt=Portuguese)
African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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The proposed Regional Livestock Development Programme for Eastern Africa (RELIDEPEA)
comprises a number of Projects which must be coordinated, facilitated, monitored and assisted,
particularly with policy issues that constrain livestock development at the national and regional
level. Resources at OAU/1BAR are insufficient to carry out these functions, Consequently an
important aim of the Programme will be to build the needed capacity within OAU/IBAR and to
establish a unit to:
.4#2 enable the organization to coordinate and manage livestock development programmes:
is monitor the policy environment within the region in order to identify policy constraints,
particularly those affecting implementation of RELIDEPEA, ensure that these constraints
are reported to IGAD (for action by the Council of Ministers), advise and assist donors
and others to coordinate development efforts and generally to advise OAU/IBAR on
livestock policy issues; and
do' establish and operate a regional livestock information unit to support the activities
described in the preceding point and to act as the source of livestock information and
data for the Region.
A unit to facilitate Programme implementation, address livestock policy issues and serve as the
livestock information centre for the region will be established (the logical framework is in
Attachment A). It is intended that the unit will continue thereafter as the project coordination,
livestock policy and regional livestock information unit as an integral part of OAU/1BAR.
Reflecting these roles it is proposed that the unit be known as the Coordination, Policy and
Livestock Information Unit (CPLIU).