Recent Submissions

  • AU-IBAR Knowledge Management, Communications and Visibility Strategy: 2024-2028 

    AU-IBAR (2024-11-24)
    The 2024-2028 Knowledge Management, Communications and Visibility Strategy provides institutional guidance to enhance the impact and accessibility of AU-IBAR's Programmes and Projects. The strategy emphasizes the critical ...
  • Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programm 

    AUC; AUDA-NEPAD (2003)
    Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programm
  • Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want 

    AUC (2015)
    African Union Agenda 2063 - Popular Version
  • AU-IBAR Ecosystem Manual 

    African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources; AU-IBAR; Lumba, Patricia Mweene; ... (4 authors) (2019)
    The manual is a step-by-step operation guide orienting users on the AU-IBAR online ecosystem platform features and functionalities. The AU-IBAR commissioned an online ecosystem to address challenges in knowledge management ...
  • The Post Rinderpest Eradication Strategy 

    African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (2012)
    This document presents the post Rinderpest eradication strategy developed by AU-IBAR for the mitigation of the risk of the re-emergence of Rinderpest in Africa. The document begins with a brief summary of the Rinderpest ...
  • AU-IBAR Strategic Plan 2010-2014 

    African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources; AU-IBAR (2009)
    The Plan highlights six interconnected and complementary strategic areas, referred to as ‘programmes’, to drive the continents animal resources agenda from 2010-2014. <br></br>These include: <li>1. Reducing the impact ...
  • The AU-IBAR Strategic Plan - 2018 - 2023 

    African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (2018)
    The AU-IBAR Strategic Plan 2018-2023 builds on lessons learnt from the review of the implementation of its predecessor Strategic Plan 2014-2017. The strategy outlines five objectives to guide the work of AU-IBAR for the ...
  • The Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDeSA) 2015 - 2035: The Roadmap to a Successful Livestock Sector 

    African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources; AU-IBAR; Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture; ... (4 authors) (2015)
    The “Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDeSA) 2015–2035 seeks to transform the African livestock sector for accelerated and equitable growth. The strategy aims at addressing identified barriers in the sector ...
  • Animal Health Strategy for Africa (AHSA) 2019 - 2035: A framework for delivering a sustainable animal health system that meets global standards 

    African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources; AU-IBAR (2019)
    The Animal Health Strategy for Africa (2019-2035) provides a framework for delivering a sustainable animal health system in Africa that meets World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and other relevant global standards. ...