Browsing AU-IBAR Initiatives and Project Reports by Title
Now showing items 306-325 of 336
Established in 1971, the International Institute for Environment and Development (TIED) is a policy research institute linking environmental concerns with the developments needs of resource-poor people in the South and ... -
Synthesis of PACE Financial Report
The team of consultants should mention that after meeting with the main financial controller of the PACE programme, Mr. Alex Saelert, they have been signified that the financial data obtained are not final since the programme ... -
Synthesis of PACE Financial Report.
The team of consultants should mention that after meeting with the main financial controller of the PACE programme, Mr. Alex Saelert, they have been signified that the financial data obtained are not final since the programme ... -
Technical assistance contract.
Rinderpest was first introduced to the African continent in 1841 and it first appeared south of t Sahara in 1884, after infected cattle were imported from India. The resulting epidemic killed ov 90% of the indigenous cattle ... -
Technical Assistance to Communication and PrivatisationLegislation.
Rinderpest was first introduced to the African continent in 1841 and it first appeared south of the Sahara in 1884, after infected cane were imported from India. The re salting epidemic killed over 90% of the indigenous ... -
Technical proposal for organization of African unity- IBRA.
This proposal has been prepared for ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITYINTERAFRICAN BUREAU FOR ANIMAL RESOURCES with reference to invitation to tender REF NO: OAU-IBRA/ADMIN 38/126 Our proposal is based upon providing OAU-IBRA ... -
Technical Report of the Workshop on trade and improved livelihoods in aquatic production in Africa (TILAPIA) Building capacity on fish health and aquatic biosecurity to sustain and develop aquaculture and fisheries in Africa
(2014-11)Technical Report of the Workshop on trade and improved livelihoods in aquatic production in Africa (TILAPIA) Building capacity on fish health and aquatic biosecurity to sustain and develop aquaculture and fisheries in ... -
The 13th East African Co-ordination Meeting on Fanning in Tsetse Control Areas East Africa..PDF
The 13th East African Co-ordination Meeting on Fanning in Tsetse Control Areas East Africa..PDF -
The conceptual framework of FITCA _ progress report..PDF
African trypanosomosis is a disease of cattle and human beings caused by a protozoan parasite trypanosome spp. There are two forms of African trypanosomosis, human and bovine. The bovine trypanosomosis is caused by the ... -
Think tank validation meeting for the indicators and criteria for alignment of national and regional fisheries and aquaculture policies to the policy framework and reform strategy for fisheries and aquaculture in Africa as well as global fisheries and aquaculture instruments
(2015-07)Report on the think tank validation meeting for the indicators and criteria for alignment of national and regional fisheries and aquaculture policies to the policy framework and reform strategy for fisheries and aquaculture ... -
Third meeting of the Specialized Technical Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and the Environment Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Summary Report on Strengthening the Secretariat to Provide Support to the Conference of African Ministers on Fisheries and Aquaculture (CAMFA) within the framework of the Specialized Technical Committee on Agriculture, ... -
Third workplan and budget FITCA -TANGA first quartely report.
The overall objective of FITCA Tanzania is to increase household income through improving livestock productivity for people dwelling in tsetse infested areas. The project purpose is to enhance the capacity of the target ... -
Towards a livestock sector strategy..PDF
In view of the importance of the livestock sector to the Somali economy and to people's livelihoods' and in order to capitalize on existing efforts, the World Bank (WB), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United ... -
Trade and improved livelihoods in aquatic production in Africa (TILAPIA): Building capacity on fish health and aquatic biosecurity to sustain and develop aquaculture and fisheries in Africa
(2014-12)Technical report of the workshop on Trade and improved livelihoods in aquatic production in Africa (TILAPIA): Building capacity on fi sh health and aquatic biosecurity to sustain and develop aquaculture and fi sheries in ... -
Transition of the OAU to the African Union.
(2001-12)Report of the Secretary General on the Implementation of the Lusaka Summit on the Texts Relating To the Key Organs of the African Union. -
The project entitled 'Transmission and virulence of rinderpest virus' has been approved and financed by the European Economic Community, General Direction XII (EEC-GD XII — STD2). It comprises a total of four laboratories: - ... -
Virtual Think Tank Consultative Workshop on Operationalizing the Revised African Fisheries Reform Mechanism (AFRM)
(2021-08-12)A brief report on the virtual stakeholder consultative workshop on operationalizing the revised AFRM was organized by the African Union-InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) in collaboration with the Africa ... -
(2000-03)The European Commission has supported the continent-wide fight against rinderpest, through the Pan African Rinderpest Campaign (PARC). This project has had considerable success and the disease now appears to be restricted ...