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Now showing items 498-517 of 853
OAU-IBAR AWVP TRAINING WORKSHOP held at Kenya Wildlife Service Veterinary Unit, Langata, Nairobi Kenya
The AWVP is a component of PARC, a well-established veterinary programme. It aims at eradicating rinderpest virus from Africa. The project will establish systems to monitor rinderpest at the interface between wild and ... -
OAU-IBAR farming in tsetse control areas programme (FITCA)mid-term review..PDF
This study is the mid term review of the FITCA (Farming in tsetse controlled areas) Programme. This review is commissioned as planned in the FITCA Financing agreement. It has however been slightly delayed to take into ... -
OAU/AU 50 Anniversary: Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance
(2013)A pamphlet highlighting the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the OAU-AU held in Nairobi Kenya in 2013. -
This document presents a global plan for the proposed two years extension of the Tanzania component of the Pan-African Programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE-TZ). PACE-TZ, together with 28 other African country ... -
On the identification and analysis of priority instruments related to fisheries and aquaculture in Africa Union Member States (AU-MS): a step towards their domestication for improved fisheries governance
(2023)This policy brief has been developed from the Consultancy assignment (Procurement No.: 09/ AU-IBAR/000/DGII/22) conducted by The Centre for Coastal Management - Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience at the ... -
On the mechanism for effective implementation and ratification of international instruments related to fisheries and aquaculture in African Union Member States (AU MS)
(2023)The use of global instruments can help to promote sustainable fisheries and aquaculture-related activities as well as sustainable exploitation of environmental resources in a country. In this policy brief, we provide an ... -
Opening remarks By The Director of AU-IBAR, Dr. Huyam Salih at the The third meeting of the Sustainable Aquaculture Development working group of the African Fisheries Reform Mechanism for Formulation of Knowledge Products and Generation of Specific Recommendations
(2024-04)The speech by AU-IBAR Director was made during the third meeting of the Sustainable Aquaculture Development working group of the African Fisheries Reform Mechanism for Formulation of Knowledge Products and Generation of ... -
Opening Remarks by Director AU-IBAR: The inter-regional economic community meeting on coordination and mainstreaming of Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) Eradication initiatives in Africa
(2024)Opening Remarks by Director AU-IBAR: The inter-regional economic community meeting on coordination and mainstreaming of Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) Eradication initiatives in Africa. The speech was delivered on 22 April 2024. -
Opening Remarks by Director AUIBAR during the 2022 World Rabies Day: Africa Regional Webinar
(2022-09-27)Opening Remarks by Director AU-IBAR during the 2022 World Rabies Day, Africa Regional Webinar held on 27th September, 2022 -
Opening Remarks by Dr. Huyam Salih, Director of AU-IBAR at the 2nd Somali One Health Conference 2024
(2022)Speech given by Dr. Huyam Salih, Director of AU-IBAR at the Opening of the 2nd Somali One Health Conference 2024 held in Modagushi, Somalia. The Conference was held under the theme: “Empowering One Health Workforce to Drive ... -
Opening Remarks by Dr. Nick Nwankpa, Director AU-IBAR, at the 6th Africa Annual Animal Welfare Conference, 2022
(2022-10-31)Opening Remarks by Dr. Nick Nwankpa, Director of AU-IBAR, at the 6th Africa Annual Animal Welfare Conference, 2022. The meeting was held in Gaborone, Botswana from 31 October to 2nd November, 2022, under the Theme: “Animals, ... -
Opening remarks by the Acting Director of AU-IBAR: Third annual dialogue with regional economic communities on emerging issues on implementation of Fisheries Governance 2 Project
(2023-07)Opening remarks by the Acting Director of AU-IBAR: Third annual dialogue with regional economic communities on emerging issues on implementation of Fisheries Governance 2 Project. -
Opening Remarks by the Ag. Director of AU-IBAR, Dr. Nick Nwankpa during the Executive Committee Meeting of the African Association of Veterinary Education Establishments (2A2E-V), 31st May 2022, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, Onderstepoort campus, Pretoria, South Africa
(2022-05-31)Opening Remarks by the Ag. Director of AU-IBAR, Dr. Nick Nwankpa during the Executive Committee Meeting of the African Association of Veterinary Education Establishments (2A2E-V), 31st May 2022, Faculty of Veterinary ... -
Opening Remarks by the Director of AU-IBAR ECOWAS Annual Regional Animal Health Networks (RAHN)
(2022)Opening Remarks by the Director of AU-IBAR, Dr. Nick Nwankpa, during the ECOWAS Annual Regional Animal Health Networks (RAHN), held in Cape Verde from 19-23 September, 2022 -
Opening Remarks by the Director of AU-IBAR on the 11th Meeting of the Regional Steering Committee (RCS) of the Global Framework for the Control of Transboundary animal disease (GF-TADs) in Africa
(2022-06-21)Opening Remarks made on the 21st June, 2022 by the Director of AU-IBAR on the 11th Meeting of the Regional Steering Committee (RCS) of the Global Framework for the Control of Transboundary animal disease (GF-TADs) in Africa. -
Opening Remarks from AU-IBAR during Consultation and coordination meeting for the establishment on Public –Private Partnership for the establishment of the ECCAS Regional grandparent stock farm in Cameroon 5th January 2022
(2022-01)Opening remarks made by Dr. Anne Lewa on behalf of AU-IBAR Director, Dr. Nick Nwankpa during Consultation and coordination meeting for the establishment on Public –Private Partnership for the establishment of the ECCAS ... -
Opening Remarks of Dr. Nick Nwankpa, Director Of AU-IBAR at the 5th Africa Animal Welfare Conference-Action 2021
(2021-11-01)Opening Remarks of Dr. Nick Nwankpa, Director Of AU-IBAR at the 5th Africa Animal Welfare Conference-Action 2021 held in Accra, Ghana on 1st November, 2021. -
Opening speech by the Principal Secretary, State Department for Blue Economy and Fisheries during the 3rd Meeting of the Sustainable Aquaculture Development Working Group
(2024)Opening speech by the Principal Secretary, State Department for Blue Economy and Fisheries, Ministry of Mining, Bue Economy and Maritime Affaires, Kenya during the 3rd Meeting of the Sustainable Aquaculture Development ... -
Organisation of African Unity / Inter African Bureau for Animal Resources (OAU/IBAR) Farming In Tsetse Controlled Areas (FITCA - Kenya Project).
This report is based on the findings of a survey carried out for FITCA-K by Kamau Kabbucho of Fineline Systems & Management Limited. The survey was commissioned to identify strategies and mechanisms by which FITCA-K could ... -
Orientation workshop for fisheries and aquaculture experts on the CAADP/MALABO
(2016-09)Report on the orientation workshop for fisheries and aquaculture experts on the CAADP/MALABO held from 19-21 September 2016, in Lome, Togo