Browsing by Title
Now showing items 256-275 of 853
Economic impacts of Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP) in Africa Tambi,
CBPP is a disease of economic importance because of the high morbidity and mortality losses it causes to cattle. The financial implications of these losses are of great significance to both cattle owners and to the nation. ... -
Economic, social and environmental impact of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in Africa
(2016)Economic, social and environmental impact of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in Africa -
Economic, social and environmental impacts of IUU fishing in Africa Action Plan: Advocacy paper
(2016)An advocacy paper on the Economic, social and environmental impacts of IUU fishing in Africa. Includes an Action Plan. -
A short term consultancy has been contracted by the German Technical Cooperation/International Service (GTZ/IS) — SATEC Developpement International and the African Union — Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU/IBAR) ... -
Effective utilization of technologies and innovations for the promotion of local poultry livestock value chains in Africa
(2021)The training manual aims to enhance the capacity of smallholder poultry producers to adopt and use modern technologies and innovations developed for the poultry sector. The training manual contains the information required ... -
The Egyptian Strategy and National Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources (Characterization, Conservation and Sustainable Use)
(2021)الاستراتيجية المصرية و خطة العمل الوطنية للموارد الوراثية الحيوانية )التوصيف الحفظ الاستخدام المستدام( -
Enhancing awareness on marine spatial planning: Opening Speech by Director of Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (DARBE)
(2021-08)Speech by Director of Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (DARBE) during opening of workshop on 'Enhancing awareness on marine spatial planning'', held on 18 August, 2021. -
Enhancing institutional collaboration in fisheries and aquaculture: Meeting Report
(2014)Meeting report on Enhancing institutional collaboration in fisheries and aquaculture, held in Accra, Ghana from 10-12 July, 2022. -
Enhancing public-private sector partnerships (PPP) in fisheries and aquaculture
(6/1/2018)The policy brief is on enhancing public private sector partnerships (PPP) in Fisheries and Aquaculture. The Guide is not a replacement to the PFRS; it is rather a companion document with the overall objective of providing ... -
Enhancing regional cooperation in Fisheries Access Agreement (FAA) for Shared Fish Stocks
(2018)This advocacy note looks at enhancing regional cooperation in Fisheries Access Agreement (FAA) for Shared Fish Stocks. The potential of the fisheries sector to contribute to poverty reduction and improved socio-economic ... -
Enhancing Resilient African Feed and Fodder Systems - Policy Note
(2023)Policy Note on Enhancing Resilient African Feed and Fodder Systems. -
Enhancing Sustainable Fisheries Management & Aquaculture Development in Africa: A Programme for Accelerated Reform of the Sector
(2022-03)AU-IBAR & AUDA-NEPAD are jointly implementing the Enhancing Sustainable Fisheries Management & Aquaculture Development in Africa: A Programme for Accelerated Reform of the Sector Project (FishGov 2) from 2021-2025. This ... -
Epidemiologist for the Collaborative Centres in Nairobi and N_Djamena.
Rinderpest was first introduced to the African continent in 1841 and it first appeared south of the Sahara in 1884, after infected cattle were imported from India. The resulting epidemic killed over 90% of the indigenous ...