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Now showing items 458-477 of 853
Market Information Systems Audit on the State of Livestock Market Information Systems in Africa
(2022-03)Majority of African livestock farmers are older smallholders living in isolated rural areas and thus lack appropriate access to markets for their products and they are also deprived of agricultural market information. ... -
A masterplan for sustainable coastal, Marine tourism and mining activities towards Conservation of aquatic biodiversity and environmental protection in Kenya
(2023)A masterplan for sustainable coastal, Marine tourism and mining activities towards Conservation of aquatic biodiversity and environmental protection in Kenya, -
Mechanisms for Enhancing the Effective Role and Participation of African Union Member States In Regional, Continental, and Global Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Management Related Fora Or Regimes For (North, West and Central Africa)
(2023)Advocacy note on Mechanisms for Enhancing the Effective Role and Participation of African Union Member States in Regional, Continental, and Global Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Management Related Fora ... -
Mechanisms for establishing and strengthening linkages between specialized regional fisheries institutions and environmental agencies: Information Note
(2023)The purpose of this information note is to present recommendations for mechanisms for establishing and strengthening linkages between specialized regional fisheries institutions and environmental agencies. -
Mechanisms for rationalization of fisheries and aquaculture platforms and networks in Africa and anchoring them to regional economic communities and regional fisheries organizations
(2023)This brief is written by the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute and is based on findings from a study to develop Mechanisms for Rationalization of Fisheries and Aquaculture Platforms and Networks in Africa ... -
Mechanisms For Strengthening Public Private Producer Partnerships (PPPPs) In Southern African Development Community (SADC) Red Meat And Live Animals Value Chains (RMLAVC)
(2021)This manual describes mechanisms and strategies for effective Public-Private Partnerships (PPPPs) in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) that improve market access at the local, regional, and international ... -
Meeting on enhancing institutional collaboration in fisheries and aquaculture
(2014-07)Report on the meeting on enhancing institutional collaboration in fisheries and aquaculture held in Accra, Ghana from 10-12 July, 2014. -
Meilleures pratiques et enseignements tirés de l’ancrage institutionnel fonctionnel entre les cer et les organismes régionaux de pêche/conventions maritimes régionales (ORP/CMR) et cadre pour un ancrage efficace:: Note D’information
(2023)La présente note d’information a pour objet de présenter des recommandations concernant les meilleures pratiques et les enseignements tirés en matière de mouillage institutionnel fonctionnel entre les CER et les organismes ... -
Mécanisme rentable pour la participation et la consultation des parties prenantes au niveau national et régional dans le secteur de la pêche et de l’aquaculture en Afrique
(2023)Cette note de synthèse est rédigée par l’Institut national de recherche sur les ressources halieutiques et se fonde sur les conclusions d’une étude qui a identifié des mécanismes rentables de consultation des parties ... -
Mécanismes permettant d’établir et de renforcer les liens entre les institutions régionales spécialisées dans la pêche et les agences environnementales
(2023)La présente note d’information a pour objet de présenter des recommandations concernant les mécanismes permettant d’établir et de renforcer les liens entre les institutions régionales spécialisées dans les pêches et les ... -
The PACE programme is a major development programme financed by the EDF in the field of animal health in Africa, reaching 32 African countries. The Programme started on November rt, 1999, and countries started the ... -
Mid-term Review of the Farming in Tse tse Controlled Areas (FITCA) Programme.
FITCA is an on-going programme financed with EDF regional and national funds. A 4 year financing agreement for regional funds was signed in March 1997. It is complemented by national financing agreements covering Uganda, ... -
(2002-02)Le Devis-Programme de deuxieme annee (DP 2) fait suite au DP1 mise en ceuvre entre mai 2001 a avril 2002. Le DP 1 n'a pu etre execute entierement pour differentes raisons - delai de mobilisation de la premiere caisse ... -
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives State Department of Livestock - Kenya Livestock Breeds Catalogue
(2019-06-01)This catalogue provides consolidated information on livestock diversity available in Kenya, including their distribution, utilization, current status and associated risks. -
An independent evaluation mission by two external evaluators: Dr Walter MASIGA and Dr Philippe DURAND carried out evaluation of PACE- Cameroon from 9th to 21st of December 2006. Although the implementation of PACE ... -
Mission Report on Editing and Publishing Reports on the Pan-African Programme for the Control of Epizootics
(2007)A short term consultancy has been contracted by the German Technical Cooperation/International Service (GTZ/IS) — SATEC Developpement International and the African Union — Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU/IBAR) ... -
Mitigating the impact of climate change on African aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity - Advocacy Note
(2022-11)The advocacy note argues in favour of the creation of a climate change mitigation effort that incorporates the involvement of stakeholders at the local, national, sub-regional, and regional levels in order to maximise the ... -
Mobility and Conservation Programmes for Animal Genetic Resources: Policy Brief 9
(2019)The policy brief highlights the following messages:Animal mobility is a system of resilience for animals and for livestock keepers; and Livestock mobility-associated pastoralism is the only effective way to support human ...