Browsing by Title
Now showing items 204-223 of 833
Communique: Inception Workshop Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in Africa Blue Economy
(2021-12-08)Communique on the Inception Workshop to launch the Project on ‘Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in African Blue Economy’. The lunch was held to create awareness amongst the potential beneficiaries and stakeholders of the ... -
Communique: Regional Validation Workshop for the Value Chain Analysis, and Mapping of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) Region Priority Poultry Livestock Value Chain Report
(2022-07)This Communique relays the deliberations of the Regional validation workshop for the Value Chain Analysis and Mapping of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) Region Priority Poultry Livestock Value Chain ... -
Communique: Validation Workshop for development of value chain analysis and mapping prototype tool for the red meat and live animals in Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region
(2022-07-08)This is a Communique developed as a result of a validation workshop for the development of the value chain analysis and mapping prototype tool for the red meat and live animals in Southern Africa Development Community ... -
Communique: Workshop on the development of proposed pathways for adoption and domestication of priority actions and other policy instruments for SADC Member States
(2022-07-08)The report highlights the pathways for the adoption and domestication of regional instruments by SADC Member States. -
Compendium of Technologies and Innovations applied in Priority Livestock Value Chains in Africa
(2022-12-01)The Compendium of Technologies and Innovations applied in Priority Livestock Value Chains in Africa, the African Union project on Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa (Live2Africa) has documented ... -
Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programm
(2003)Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programm -
Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in the Context of the Africa Blue Economy Strategy (ABES)
(2021)The African continent is adjacent to highly productive marine ecosystems including the seven African Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) viz., Agulhas Current LME, Benguela Current LME, Guinea Current LME, Canary current ... -
Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in the Context of the Africa Blue Economy Strategy (ABES): Synopsis of Project Achievements - December 2021- August 2022
(2022-08)Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in the Context of the Africa Blue Economy Strategy (ABES): Synopsis of Project Achievements - December 2021- August 2022 -
Consolidated work programme _ cost estimate for national pace programmes of Ethiopia, Guinee Conakry, Mali, Rwanda, Senegal.
In Africa, the European Union supported a continent-wide fight against rinderpest, through the Pan-African Rinderpest Campaign (PARC), which ended on 31 October 1999, after thirteen years of successful implementation. The ... -
The PACE strategy provides a framework within which national programmes will be developed and linked to sub-regional and regional strategies for the surveillance and control of the major epizootic diseases. The activities ... -
Consolidated work programme and cost estimate for national PACE programmes of Burundi, Congo, Cote D`Ivoire, Ethiopia, Guinea Conakry, Kenya,Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania,Gambia.
The PACE strategy provides a framework within which national programmes will be developed and linked to sub-regional and regional strategies for the surveillance and control of the major epizootic diseases. The activities ... -
Consultancy to assist in the development of a rinderpest eradication strategy in the West and East Nile ecosystems.
Throughout most of the life of the OLS Livestock Programme, conventional wisdom held that rinderpest eradication from southern Sudan was not possible without peace. It was not until 1998, that the extent of the impact of ... -
The Consultative Meeting to Validate the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for RFBs and Establishment of a Continental Platform for Regional Fisheries Bodies in Africa
(2015-04)Report on the Consultative Meeting to Validate the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for RFBs and Establishment of a Continental Platform for Regional Fisheries Bodies in Africa. The meeting was held from 22nd – ... -
Consultative workshop to validate the functional review and rationalization of fisheries and aquaculture platforms and networks in Africa for anchorage, accountability and enhanced capacities in project implementation
(2022-09-26)Opening remarks given by Ms. Francisca Gonah, on behalf of AU-IBAR Director during the opening of the Consultative workshop to validate the functional review and rationalization of fisheries and aquaculture platforms and ... -
Continental Guidelines on Marine Spatial Planning for Conservation of Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystems in Africa
(2023)Policy note on Continental Guidelines on Marine Spatial Planning for Conservation of Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystems in Africa. -
A Continental Strategy for Gender Mainstreaming in Conservation of Aquatic Biodiversity and Environmental Management in Africa
(2023)A Continental Strategy for Gender Mainstreaming in Conservation of Aquatic Biodiversity and Environmental Management in Africa. The Strategy outlines priority issues and actions necessary for strengthening the role of women ... -
Continental Strategy to Strengthen Research-Extension-Farmer Inputs Linkage System (REFILS) for Increased Technology Development, Transfer and Uptake in Africa
(2022)This Continental Strategy to Strengthen Research-Extension-Farmer Inputs Linkage System (REFILS) for Increased Technology Development, Transfer and Uptake in Africa, is the result of a study that was conducted to review ... -
Contribution Agreement for AU-IBAR
(2021-09)Fisheries and aquaculture sectors in Africa provide millions of Africans with affordable nutritious food and livelihoods. Still, according to FAO prospective study, average per capita fish consumption in Africa is likely ... -
Coordination Nationale PACE
Du lundi 15 juillet au dimanche 21 juillet 2002 a ete effectuee par le Docteur ASSOGBA Honore, Coordonnateur National du PACE assiste de Mr. AHOLOU YEYI Jacques, Collaborateur du chargé de repiderniologie, une tournee de ...