Consolidated work programme _ cost estimate for national pace programmes of Ethiopia, Guinee Conakry, Mali, Rwanda, Senegal.
(en=English; ar=Arabic; fr=French; pt=Portuguese)
African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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In Africa, the European Union supported a continent-wide fight against rinderpest,
through the Pan-African Rinderpest Campaign (PARC), which ended on 31 October
1999, after thirteen years of successful implementation. The Commission of the
European Communities and the Organization of African Unity Interafrican Bureau for
Animal Resources (OAU/IBAR) signed the Financing Agreement of the Pan-African
Programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE) on 57uly 1999 and 30 August 1999,
respectively. The PACE Programme will build on tha achievements of PARC to
eradicate rinderpest from Africa and set up a Pan-African network for the control of
epizootics. The OAU/IBAR will co-ordinate the implementation of the PACE
Programme, which will cover 32 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
The Technical and Administrative Provisions of the Programme's Financing
Agreement stipulate that the programme should start with the arrival of the Main
Technical Assistant of PACE on 31 October 1999. He arrived in Nairobi on 30
October 1999. The Programme will end on 31 October 2004.
The bulk of the Programme's EDF funds (67%) will support national operations that
will be planned and implemented in each country. These operations will be provided
with a range of Common Services, which OAU/IBAR will co-ordinate at sub-regional
and regional levels.
The PACE Programme will contribute to the goal of reducing poverty among those
involved in stock farming by improving productivity, thereby improving their
livelihoods and enhancing food security.
The Programme's vision is improved prevention and progressive control of the major
epizootic diseases by providing a sound technical basis and enhanced national decision
support and for strategic animal health management, at national and regional levels.
The purpose of the PACE Programme is to revitalize animal health services through
strengthening national and regional capabilities to-sustain surveillance as well as
strategic control of major animal diseases and to improve animal health care, in 32
sub-Saharan countries.
This consolidated work programme and cost estimate is the first of the series of work
programmes for the PACE Programme's national components.
- PACE Documents & Reports [183]