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Now showing items 184-203 of 853
Cadre Régional Harmonisé Pour La Biodiversité Et Plan D’action Conjoint Pour La Conservation De La Biodiversité Aquatique Et La Protection De L’environnement Dans Les Écosystèmes Marins Transfrontières
(2024)Cadre Régional Harmonisé Pour La Biodiversité Et Plan D’action Conjoint Pour La Conservation De La Biodiversité Aquatique Et La Protection De L’environnement Dans Les Écosystèmes Marins Transfrontières -
Cadres Régionaux Relatifs À L’environnement Et À La Biosécurité Pour Le Développement D’une Aquaculture Durable En Afrique Australe
(6/1/2018)La présente note d’orientation sur la gestion de l’environnement et de la biosécurité pour le développement d’une aquaculture durable en Afrique australe émane du Cadre régional de gestion environnementale pour le développement ... -
Cadres Régionaux Relatifs À L’environnement Et À La Biosécurité Pour Le Développement D’une Aquaculture Durable En Afrique De L’est
(6/1/2018)Le développement d’une aquaculture durable est un élément essentiel du Cadre régional de gestion environnementale pour le développement d’une aquaculture durable en Afrique de l’Est et dans la région des Grands Lacs. ... -
Cadres Régionaux Relatifs À L’environnement Et À La Biosécurité Pour Le Développement D’une Aquaculture Durable En Afrique De L’ouest
(6/1/2018)L’Afrique de l’Ouest offre de larges opportunités pour l’aquaculture en raison de la disponibilité des ressources en eau, d’une bonne qualité de l’eau, d’un climat approprié et des techniques de production établies dans ... -
Cadres Régionaux Relatifs À L’environnement Et À La Biosécurité Pour Le Développement D’une Aquaculture Durable En Afrique Du Nord
(6/1/2018)In Northern Africa, the gap between the demand for and supply of food fish has been widening rapidly due to the decline of capture fisheries production and a continually growing population. However, aquaculture production ... -
Call for Abstracts: 36th General Conference of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) - 17th - 22nd September 2023
(2023)Call for Abstracts: 36th General Conference of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) - 17th - 22nd September 2023 -
Call for Abstracts: Special Issue on Resilient African Feed and Fodder Systems of the Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa (BAHPA)
(2024)The RAFFS Project aspires to make substantial contributions to food security and nutrition by ensuring the continued sustainability of Africa's livestock sector through promoting development of feed and fodder systems. ... -
Case studies of environmental change and trypanosomosis control in Kenya.
The human population of east Africa is very unevenly distributed across the region and, as can be seen in Figure 1, is concentrated around Lake Victoria, in the highlands, and along the coast. The conjectural limits of ... -
Categorised Abstracts for the 27th Meeting of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control.
25 patients with late stage T.B. gambiense trypanosomiasis were treated with oral Eflornithine . These patients were divided in two groups A and B . Patients of group A ( n= 12 ) were treated with oral Eflornithine at the ... -
Catfish Aquaculture Industry Assessment in Nigeria
(2013)This research covered randomly selected catfish farms, catfish hatcheries, processing plants, feed importers, local feed makers, catfish marketers and markets in Nigeria. A review of existing literature was carried out, ... -
Celebrating 70 years of sustained partnerships and political support for enhanced cooperation of animal resources development in Africa
(2022-03-14)Media advisory on AU-IBAR's 70th anniversary celebrations under the theme: "Celebrating 70 years of sustained partnerships and political support for enhanced cooperation of animal resources development in Africa." -
Célébration du 70ème anniversaire de l’UA-BIRA et du 10ème anniversaire de l’éradication de la peste bovine: Note Conceptuelle et Programme 17-18 mars 2022
(2021-03-17)Concept et programme du 70e anniversaire de l’AU-IBAR. -
Challenges and Opportunities for the Nagoya Protocol
(2016)Genetic resources from Africa have to be protected and valorised to ensure that benefits arising from their utilisation will flow to local communities who are the custodians of these resources and the associated traditional ... -
Characterization, inventory and monitoring: the game changers to sustainable utilization and conservation of animal genetic resources in Africa: Policy Brief 4
(2019)The policy brief highlights that: Existing AnGR are important for food and nutritional security and poverty eradication: Documenting National AnGR is worth investing continuously; Characterization is a good tool for ... -
Climate change and fisheries: Strengthening the capacity of fisheries communities for adaptation to climate change of policy intervention entry points
(2013-12)AU-IBAR sought for a consultancy to identify policy intervention entry points to strengthen the capacity of fisheries communities for adaptation to climate change. The report identifies drivers of climate changes, including ... -
Co-management practices in small-scale fisheries: the case of Beach Management Units (BMUS) in Eastern Africa
(2018)The implementation of BMUs in both the lake and on the coast over the past two decades has provided a number of lessons which if addressed would strengthen BMUs as an effective tool in fisheries management. Beach Management ... -
Comite technique d execution.
Le Projet national des services agricoles (PNSA), d'une duree de quatre ans (1996-2000), vise a accroitre la productivite et la production agricoles, les revenus des agriculteurs et la securite alimentaire dans l'ensemble ... -
Commemoration of 2022 World Rabies Day & Flag Off of Mass Dog Vaccination: Dukku, Gombe State, Nigeria
(2022-09-28)Programme on the commemoration of the 2022 World Rabies Day & Flag Off of Mass Dog Vaccination, held in Dukku, Gombe State, Nigeria. -
Commemoration of the AU-IBAR 70th Anniversary and the 10th Anniversary of Rinderpest Eradication: Concept Note and Programme 17th - 18th March 2022
(2021-03-17)AU-IBAR 70th Anniversary Concept and Programme.