AU-IBAR Repository: Recent submissions
Now showing items 601-620 of 843
First year annual work programme and cost estimate Twelve (12) Months (2001- 2002).
The Pan-African Rinderpest Campaign (PARC) Kenya project work plan was signed in 1995 and implemented alongside the Emergency Programme for the Eradication of Rinderpest in Kenya (EPERK). The PARC project cost a total of ... -
Annual work programme _ cost estimate for PACE Tanzania Year 2 (1st November 2002 to 31st October 2003).
This is a second Annual Work Plan and Cost Estimate for the PACE (Tanzania) Component which is part of the Regional Pan-African Programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE) under the African Union Inter-African Bureau ... -
Pan- african programme for the control of epizootics (PACE) First year annual work programme and cost estimate.
The Pan-African Rinderpest Campaign (PARC) Kenya project work plan was signed in 1995 and implemented alongside the Emergency Programme for the Eradication of Rinderpest in Kenya (EPERK). The PARC project cost a total of ... -
Work programme _ cost estimate Nigeria national PACE programme for the period 1st May, 2002 to 30th April, 2003 (Year 2).
The Nigerian Pan African Rinderpest Campaign (PARC) project came to being through the preparation and approval of a work programme that was considered and endorsed by the Inter-African Bureau for .nimal Resources of the ... -
Pan- African programme for the control of epizootics (PACE) Kenya national project.
The PACE programme has the overall objective of contributing to rural development and poverty alleviation. This will be reached through effective disease control and animal he, care, which will secure the availability of ... -
Work programme _ cost estimate Nigeria national PACE programme for the period 1st December, 2000 to 30th November, 2001.
The Nigerian Pan African Rinderpest Campaign (PARC) project came to being through the preparation and approval of a work programme that was considered and endorsed by the Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources of the ... -
Annual work programme _ cost estimate for PACE Tanzania(1st November 2002 to 31st October 2003).
This is a second Annual Work Plan and Cost Estimate for the PACE (Tanzania) Component which is part of the Regional Pan-African Programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE) under the Organization of African Unity ... -
Consultancy to assist in the development of a rinderpest eradication strategy in the West and East Nile ecosystems.
Throughout most of the life of the OLS Livestock Programme, conventional wisdom held that rinderpest eradication from southern Sudan was not possible without peace. It was not until 1998, that the extent of the impact of ... -
Sheikh Technical Veterinary School Curriculum Development (Nairobi and Bologna Workshops).
The development of a curriculum for the Sheikh Technical Veterinary School (STVS) is one of the most important activities of the first phase of the project. There are different approaches to identify and develop a school ... -
Sixth conference of ministers responsible for animal resources Report Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
This document reports on the 6th Conference of Ministers Responsible for Animal Resources. The Conference, organised by the Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (IBAR) of the Organisation of African Unity, was held at ... -
Establishment of a Regional Livestock Development Programme for Eastern Africa (RLDP).
(2020)The proposed Regional Livestock Development Programme for Eastern Africa (RELIDEPEA) comprises a number of Projects which must be coordinated, facilitated, monitored and assisted, particularly with policy issues that ... -
Assessment of disease risk and tsetse challenge Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda..PDF
Le projet FITCA a pour objectif la promotion et le developpement de l'elevage dans des zones d'Afrique de ('Est oU les glossines et la trypanosomose representent des contraintes majeures. Le volet « Suivi de I'environnement ... -
Assessment of marketing channels for crops, livestock and their products and inputs for agricultural production in south eastern Uganda..PDF
This report is an output from a study conducted in August 2003. The FITCA Project is introducing a number of interventions, aimed at decreasing losses in productivity due to animal trypanosomosis, while at the same time ... -
Provision of technical assistance to farming in tsetse controlled areas.
Provision of technical assistance to farming in tsetse controlled areas..PDF -
Provision of Technical Assistance to National PACE Projects.
Provision of Technical Assistance to National PACE Projects. -
Towards a livestock sector strategy..PDF
In view of the importance of the livestock sector to the Somali economy and to people's livelihoods' and in order to capitalize on existing efforts, the World Bank (WB), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United ... -
The conceptual framework of FITCA _ progress report..PDF
African trypanosomosis is a disease of cattle and human beings caused by a protozoan parasite trypanosome spp. There are two forms of African trypanosomosis, human and bovine. The bovine trypanosomosis is caused by the ... -
Technical proposal for organization of African unity- IBRA.
This proposal has been prepared for ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITYINTERAFRICAN BUREAU FOR ANIMAL RESOURCES with reference to invitation to tender REF NO: OAU-IBRA/ADMIN 38/126 Our proposal is based upon providing OAU-IBRA ... -
Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign (PATTEC)-Promotional Materials.PDF
The Organisation of African Unity (OAU) launched a new campaign to control the tsetse fly, the vector for trypanosomiasis, on Feb 19 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency ...