Fourth Year work programme cost estimate for national PACE programme of Eritrea.
(en=English; ar=Arabic; fr=French; pt=Portuguese)
African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
ReportItem Usage Stats
The PACE programme is funded by the European Development Fund in 32 Sub_ Saharan
African countries for a period of four years. It is co-ordinated by the Inter African Bureau for
Animal Resources of the Organisation of African unity (AU-IBAR).
The PACE programme funded in the framework of the Financing Agreement No
6125/REG/5007/005 was signed on 30 August 1999 between the Organisation of African
Unity (AU) and the European Union.
The PACE Programme will build on the achievements of the Pan African Rinderpest Campaign
(PARC), with the ultimate objective to finally eradicate rinderpest and to set up a Pan-African
network for the control of epizootics. The livestock sub sector is given high importance in Eritrea. Animal production is nearly the
only activity for the pastoral minority and is an important source of cash for_agro-pastoralists.
Objectives are to promote livestock production so as to increase the supply of animal proteins,
encourage small and large scale processing of livestock products, and to augment the supply of
draught power. Nearly 2,000,000 people are involved in this activity. Livestock contributes to
23% to the Gross Domestic Product (FAO 1993). Livestock is estimated to represent a share
of 750 Million Nakfa.
Livestock husbandry is still conducted according to traditional systems and the productivity
remains low. However, intensive husbandry systems are emerging particularly in urban and
peri-urban areas.
- PACE Documents & Reports [183]