Somali PACE Project Second quartely report.
(en=English; ar=Arabic; fr=French; pt=Portuguese)
African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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The Somali PACE Component operates under the overall PACE objective aiming at improving
farmers' incomes and peoples' general living conditions by strengthening livestock services and
hence improve and maintain animal health security.
The three International Non Governmental Organisations Terra Nuova, UNA and VSF-Swiss,
together with the CAPE Unit of OAU/IBAR are the implementers of the Somali PACE Project.
Expatriate staff from these partners are coordinating and supervising field activities in co-operation
with Somali veterinary professional staff at national as well as at zonal level.
As from January 2002, EC allowed organizations to operate inside Somalia following the ban
imposed as a result of the September 11thevents.
PACE began its field-based activities from January 2002 with Somaliland, Puntland and Central
Somalia bases becoming functional during the quarter.
Somali PACE Project's Somali Coordination and Implementation Unit (SCIU) embarked on
finalizing the recruitment of expatriate and Somali staff for the 4 zonal bases.
In all zones, Somali national staff held sensitisation meetings with local authorities and veterinary
professionals whereby a broad concept of the PACE project was explained and the groundwork
prepared for the stakeholder workshops to be carried out in all 4 zones. All 4 stakeholder workshops
were carried out with the launching of PACE in Somalia.
In addition, the Central Zonal Livestock Professional Association CERELPA was inaugurated in
Jowhar. The 4thzone, Southern Somalia, did not fully start as the 4th expatriate zonal veterinary
advisor had been delayed due to visa problems to enter Kenya although some activities related to
community based animal health services were carried out by the CAPE unit and a local veterinary
association TRANSJULPA was formed by livestock professionals from Gedo, Lower and Middle
Juba regions.
As Somali PACE project operates in 4 zones, this report is presented by giving an overall summary of
activities followed by section reports from each individual zone. Only the stakeholder workshops
carried out in the 4 zones is presented as a joint report (see 4.1).
- PACE Documents & Reports [183]