Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa: Special Edition - Honey Production, Bee Health and Pollination Services

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African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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This bulletin covers the following articles:
The future of the african bee: a call to mainstream beekeeping to enhance delivery of the Malabo declaration
Special remarks at official opening of the symposium
Bee diseases: examining options for their management in Africa.
Bee pollination industry in africa: status, challenges and options for enhancement.
The impact on environmental stressors on apiculture in Africa.
Impacts of climate variability and change on beekeeping productivity.
Assessing the use of crop protection products for potential risks t
Des dispositions responsables à prendre pour la protection des abeilles contre les effets néfastes des pesticides.
Honey residues monitoring, samples collected from three of the East African’s countries (Uganda, Kenya, and South Sudan)
Labellisation des miels et valorisation des spécifications régionales, cas de la région boeny à l’ouest de Madagascar
Honeybee colony marketing and its implications for queen rearing and beekeeping development in werieleke district, Northern Ethiopia.
The status of honeybee pests in Uganda.
Profiling of honey bee viruses in Kenyan honey bee colonies.
Occurrence of nosema species in honey bee colonies in Kenya.
Particularité du traitement à l’acide formique de varroa destructor (Acari, varroidae), parasite d’apis mellifera dans les conditions Tunisiennes.
Preliminary observations on enemies of stingless bees and honeybee (Apis mellifera adansonii l.) Colonies from the miti-civangatshibinda sector east of kahuzi biega national park, South-Kivu Province, Eastern DR Congo.
Evaluation of transitional and modern hives for honey production in the mid Rift Valley of Ethiopia.
The status and future prospects of honeybee production in Africa.
A review of african honeybees, behaviour and potential for increased beekeeping production and food security.
Analysis of farm household technical efficiency in small-scale beekeeping enterprise in Mwingi and Kitui, Kenya.
The honey industry in comesa: opportunities and challenges.
Beekeeping technology adoption in arid and semi-arid lands of Southern Kenya.
Strengthening the resilience of women and youth in somalia to economic shocks through beekeeping.
Technical and socioeconomic assessment of honey production in Cameroon western highlands.
Honey beekeeping and livelihoods prospects related to fair trade in Oku region – North West Cameroon.
Major challenges of beekeeping in chiron worde of west Harangue zone, East Roomier, Ethiopia.
Progress and challenges towards listing of Kenya in European Union market for export of honey and hive products.
Enabling policies and legal framework to support the growth of honey industry in Sub Saharan Africa: A case of Rwanda.