Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa: Special Edition - Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources

(en=English; ar=Arabic; fr=French; pt=Portuguese)
African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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This bulletin covers the following articles:
Growth performance of nile tilapia and african catfish fed on rations formulated from locally available feed resources, Tanzania.
Effet de l’âge au transfert en étang sur la survie et la croissance des alevins de clarias gariepinus (burchell, 1822).
Growth performance and survival of three strains of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus, burchell 1882) reared in hapas in Kenya.
Protected area maintains high genetic diversity of lethrinops turneri of lake Malombe, Malawi.
Effet de la substitution de la farine de poisson par la poudre des feuilles de moringa oleifera sur les caractéristiques zootechniques et économiques du tilapia du nil (Oreochromis niloticus).
Assessment of clarias gariepinus broodstock quality and larva survival rates fed dietary date palm meal for sustainable aquaculture.
Determination of fish value added product- preferences among the residents of Wote town, Makueni county, Kenya.
Effect of concentrations of artemia salina on zootechnical performances of farfantepenaeus notialis in larval stages.
Participatory appraisal of the impact of fisheries policy and governance reform: the case of the Yawri bay marine protected area along the coast of Sierra Leone.
Influence des macrophytes et de quelques paramètres physico-chimiques sur la diversité ichtyologique de la partie haute du fleuve nyong au Cameroun.
Les aires marines aménagées par les récifs artificiels : Outils de protection et de gestion des ressources de la pêche artisanale en Tunisie.
Addressing fishing-related conflicts through the lens of transboundary fisheries management: Case of lake Chiuta.
Le ssn: un outil efficace de lutte contre la pêche inn.
Knowledge management and investing in human capacity development for aquacultural education and training in Africa.
Prodapucn-burundi autorite du lac tanganyika banque Africaine de developpement.
Trade, marketing and distribution of indigenous tropical ornamental fishes of Africa.
Overview of ornamental fish production in kenya: current status, opportunities and challenges.
Protected area maintains high genetic diversity of lethrinops turneri of lake Malombe, Malawi.