Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa: Vol 59-2

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African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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This bulletin covers the following articles:
Small Ruminants Trypanosomosis in Western Gojam Zone of Amhara Regional State, Northwestern Ethiopia.
Prevalence and associated risk factors of bovine mastitis in local and cross breed dairy cows in and around Jimma town.
Local Poultry Farmers’ Media Use, Access and Understanding of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Communication Materials in Nigeria. Studies on parasitic gastroenteritis in sheep.
A Survey of Schistosoma Bovis in cattle in Kwale District Kenya.
Epidemiological Studies on Bovine Babesiosis.
Epidemiological Studies on Bovine Anaplasmosis.
Prevalence of Enzootic Bovine Leukosis (EBL) in the Northern Somalia.
Etat de la Trypanosomose chez les bovins N’dama et évaluation de l’utilisation des trypanocides dans la zone cotonnière de la Haute Guinée (Guinée - Conakry)
Haematological, Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality of Intensively Managed West African Dwarf Goats Slaughtered at Different Live Weights.
Study on Gross Testicular Abnormalities of Rams and Bucks at Luna Export Abattoir, Modjo, Ethiopia.
Studies on some Reproductive Parameters of the Grasscutter (Thryonomys Swinderianus) in South – West Nigeria.
Factors Influencing Conception Rates of Cameroonian Zebu Cattle (Bos Indicus) Following Oestrus Synchronisation and Artificial Insemination.
Beak Amputation Effects on Performance and Egg Quality Characteristics of Native Layers (Yacon) Chickens.
Etude Comparee des Caracteristiques de Ponte de La Poule Camerounaise (Gallus Gallus) et D’un Label.
Potential for Using Multinutrient Block for Supplementing Feeding of Growing Goats During Dry Season in Cameroon.
Composition Botanique du Régime des Dromadaires et Valeurs Alimentaires des Plantes Ingerées Sur un Parcours Aride du Niger.
Serological Survey of Newcastle Disease Status in Village Chicken in The Bamenda Highlands of Cameroon.
Sondage Serologique sur les Maladies Transmises par les Tiques Chez les Bovins N’dama en Guinee.