Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa: Vol 60-3

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African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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This bulletin covers the following articles:
The use of Participatory Epidemiology to Determine the Prevalence Rate and Economic
Impacts of PPR and CCPP in Turkana County of Kenya.
Survey of Bacterial and Parasitic Organisms Causing Disease and Lowered Production in Indigenous Chickens in Southern Nyanza, Kenya.
The Benefits of the PCR-Its/Filter Paper in the Diagnosis of Parasites and Chemoresistant Trypanosomes.
Detection of Re-Emerging Bovine Trypanosomiasis in Southern Zambia by Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (Lamp).
Serological Survey of Newcastle Disease and Infectious Bursal Disease in Backyard Birds in Sudan.
A Study on The Efficiency of Natural and Synthetic Prostaglandins for Estrus Synchronization in Jennies.
Serological Survey of Maedi-Visna Virus Infection in Highland Sheep at Ranches and Smallholder Farms in Eastern Amhara Region, Ethiopia.
Vaginal Cytology Pattern and Birth Features of Female Wistar Rats Treated with Graded Doses of Ethanolic Extract of Spondias Mombin.
Effet de la Substitution du Maïs par le Manioc dans L’aliment sur les Performances de Croissance et les Caractéristiques de la Carcasse de la Poule Locale du Cameroun.
Effets du Charbon de Noyaux de Canarium Schweinfurthii Engl. Ou de Rafles de Maïs sur les Performances de Production D’oeufs par des Poules en fin de Carriere de Ponte.
Comparison of Procedures for Estimating Microbial Contamination of Feed Residues from in Situ Bags in Sheep.
Comparison of in Situ and Cornell Methods of Estimating Rumen Degradable Protein of Ruminant Feed stuffs.
Browsing Capacity and Nutritive Value of Indigenous Browses in a Tropical Coastal Savannah Rangeland.
Effect of Varying Crude Protein Levels on The Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chicken in The Humid Tropics.
A Survey for Antibodies Against Current Infection of Foot-And-Mouth Disease Virus in Sudanese Cattle, Sheep and Goats using Neutralization Test.
Comparative Disease Resistance to Newcastle Disease in Nigerian Local Ecotype Chickens:
Probable Genetic Influence.
Evaluation des Pertes en Veaux par Abattage des Femelles Gravides A L’abattoir Frigorifique de Ouagadougou.
Effect of Road Transportation of Cattle Between Transboundary area and Central Abattoir of Abeokuta, Ogun State on Plasma Cortisol, Blood Glucose and Leukocyte Parameters.
Mandibular Morphological Changes Associated with Actinomycesviscosus Infection in a West African Dwarf Goat in Nigeria.