Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa: Vol 60-4

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African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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This bulletin covers the following articles:
Seroprevalence of FMD in Cattle, Sheep and Goats in Somaliland.
The Efficacy of Albendazole and Moxidectin in the Control of Nematode Infection in Dairy Cattle.
A Study on the Efficiency of Natural and Synthetic Prostaglandins for Estrus Synchronization in Jennies.
Prevalence of Cryptosporidium Oocyst in Calves Grazing along River Rima Bank in Sokoto, Nigeria.
Risk Factors Associated with Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections of Cattle in Nakuru and Mukurweini Districts of Kenya.
Antibiotics Susceptibility Pattern of Escherichia Coli Strains Isolated from Broiler and Layer Chickens with Colisepticemia in Sudan.
Influence of Coat Colour Phenotype, Age and Sex on Infestation of Goats by Sarcoptic Mange.
Prevalence of Liver Fluke Infections and Other Gastrointestinal Tract Parasites In Slaughtered Cattle In Douala, Cameroon.
Relationships between body condition score, Milk Yield, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Concentration and Resumption of Ovarian Activity in Beef Cows.
La Tuberculose Chez les Petits Ruminants en Algérie.
Données Ethnobotaniques et Chimiques des Plantes Médicinales Utilisées en Afrique dans les Traitements Traditionnels Vétérinaires.
Serological and Pathological Assessment of Lymphoid Organs in Chicks Fed with Graded Levels
of Fermented and Unfermented Cassava Diets.
Blood Profile of West African Dwarf Goats Fed Panicum maximum Supplemented with Newbouldia laevis Leaves.
Effects of In vitro Multi-Enzyme Treatment of Fibre Content on Un-Decorticated Sunflower
Seed Meal.
Utilization of Wheat Offal-Carried Pineapple Waste in the Diet Of West African Dwarf (Wad) Goats.
The Protective Effect of Walnut (Tetracarpidium Conophorum) Leaf And Onion (Allium cepa) Bulb Residues on the Experimental Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection in Clarias gariepinus.
Growth Performance and Survival Rate of Clarias gariepinus Juveniles Fed Different Levels of Aflatoxin – Contaminated Feeds.
The Digestive Tract Histology of the Farmed Fingerling African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822).
Les Filieres D’exportation du Betail sur Pied au Tchad.
A Note on Milking Practices in the Smallholder Dairy Production Systems of Nairobi and its Environs.
Foodborne Helminth Sapro-Zoonotic Parasites in Edible Land Snails from Planted and Natural Forest Ecosystems.
Evaluation of Antirabies Vaccination Programme for Dogs at Eddie Veterinary Clinic Uyo Akwa
Ibom State, Nigeria.
Dicephalus And Diprosopus Foetuses: Gross And Radiological Observations In White Fulani Cattle In Nigeria.