Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa: Vol 61-1

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African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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This bulletin covers the following articles:
Comparative Infectivity and Pathogenicity of Kano and Sokoto (Northern Nigeria) Isolates of Trypanosoma Evansi in Rabbits.
Immunogenicity and Pathology of Formalin-Killed-Sepa Salmonella Enterica Paratyphi A Antigen
in Pullet.
Serological and Virological Study of Newcastle Disease and Avian Influenza in Chickens in Rural Areas in Senegal.
Enquêtes Entomologique et Parasitologique sur les Trypanosomoses Bovines à la Station D’avétonou/Itra, au Togo.
Quantitative Analysis of Oxytetracycline Residue in Beef and Chicken Meat From Cities of Southwest Nigeria.
Effect of Aqueous Extract of Euphorbia Hirta on Haematological and Biochemical Parameters of Sprague Dawley Rats.
Effet de la Fertilisation au Molybdène sur les Biomasses et le Nombre des Nodules D’arachis Glabrata à Différentes Périodes de Fauche dans L’ouest Cameroun.
Effect of Sorghum - Barley Brewer’s Spent Grain as a Feed Ingredient on Broiler Performance and Carcass Characteristics.
Growth Response and Carcass Traits of Birds Fed Diets Containing Three Differently Processed Discarded Vegetable-Bovine Blood-Rumen Content Mixtures.
The Effect of Feeding Sorghum-Barley Brewer’s Spent Grain (Sbbsg) on Performance and Egg Quality of Laying Hens.
Digestibilité in vivo des Feuilles Fraîches de Bananier (Musa Sp.) Traitées à la Mélasse Chez les Brebis Djallonké (Ovis Aries)
Factors Affecting Virulence of E. Coli Isolates from Diarrheic Sheep and Goats.