Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa: Vol 61-3

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African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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This bulletin covers the following articles:
Prevalence of Endo, Ecto and Haemoparasites of Agama Lizards (Agama Agama) in Maiduguri, Borno State.
Cross-Sectional Study on Contagious Caprine Pleuro Pneumonia in Selected Districts of Karamoja Region in Uganda.
Bovine Mastitis in Selected Districts of Borena Zone, Southern Ethiopia.
Amelioration of Anti-Nutritive Effects of Castor Oil Seed (Ricinus Communis) Meal in Broilers’ Ration Using Natural Fermentation and Dl-Methionine Supplementation.
Caractérisation Phénologiques de la Poule Barrée de L’ouest Cameroun.
Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Chicken Anaemia Virus in Khartoum State-Sudan.
Current Survey of Trypanosomosis among Livestock and Wildlife in the Arid Region of Northeastern, Nigeria.
Enzootic Nasal Adenocarcinoma: Cytological and Clinicopathological Observations in a West African Dwarf Goat.
An Evaluation of Pinhole Castration as an Alternative Technique for Dog Population Control in Resource-Poor Communities.
Evaluation of Some Fowl Pox, Gumboro and Newcastle Disease Vaccines Marketed in Nigeria.
Description de la Filiere Avicole Traditionnelle en Afrique de L’ouest : Cas du Senegal et du Togo.
Effect of Low Protein-Methionine-and-Lysine-Supplemented Diets on Performance, Immune Response and Carcass Characteristics in Broilers.
In Vitro Activity of Azadirachta Indica Extracts on Some Pathogenic Fungi.
Prevalence of Fleas in Sheep and Goats in Ogun State, Nigeria.
Resultats D’une Enquete Sero-Epidemiologique Sur La Brucellose Dans Les Elevages Bovins Laitiers en Zone Peri-Urbaine du District de Bamako.
Caracterisation et Epidemiologie des Souches de Mycobacteries Isolees Des Carcasses De Bovins A L’abattoir Frigorifique De Bamako.
Microbiological and Serological Studies Of Some Poultry Pathogens In Wild Birds In Sudan.
The Immune Response of Maternally Immune Chicks to Vaccination with Newcastle Disease Virus.
Pathologies Dominantes Identifiees en Aviculture Semi-Industrielle au Mali (Zones Periurbaines du District de Bamako et des Villes de Sikasso Et Segou).
Performance and Carcass Yield of Sexed Broiler Chickens Reared on Two Housing Types.
Evaluation des Plans de Prophylalaxie Appliques en Aviculture Moderne au Mali : Cas de la Maladie de Gumboro, de la Maladie de Newcastle et des Parasitoses Internes.
Practices and Concerns of Castration of Dogs in Nigeria.
Response of Primiparous Uda Ewe to Concentrate Supplementation.
Rift Valley Fever in Camels in Northern Burkina Faso.
Sero-Prevalence of Pestes des Petits Ruminant (PPR) in Sheep, Goats and Cattle in Ghana.
Antitheilerial Chemical Drugs: A Review.
Antibodies to Toxoplasma Gondii in Backyard and Wandering Pigs in Ibadan, Nigeria: Implications for Pork Consumption.
Vaccination Strategies in Breeder and Commercial Farms and Infectious Bursal Disease Maternally Derived Antibodies in Day Old Chicks in Nigeria.
Reproductive Performance in Response to Different Energy and Protein Feeding Regimens of Nubian Goats in the Sudan.