Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa: Vol 61-4

(en=English; ar=Arabic; fr=French; pt=Portuguese)
African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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This bulletin covers the following articles:
Blood Parasites of Semi-Domesticated and Wild Birds in Kaduna State, Nigeria.
Acaricidal Effect of Foam Soap Containing Essential Oil of Ocimum Gratissimum Leaves on Rhipicephalus Lunulatus in the Western Ghland of Cameroon.
Caractérisation Phénologiques de la Poule Barrée de L’ouest Cameroun.
Growth Performance of Male Rabbits Exposed to Dietary Fumonisin.
Factors Associated with Rabies Awareness and Attitude to Dog Bite in A University Community.
Gumboro Disease Outbreaks Cause High Mortality Rates in Indigenous Chickens in Kenya.
Immunogenic Response of Rabbits to Monovalent and Polyvalent Antisera of Mannhaemia Haemolytica Biotype A.
Effects of Molasses and Storage Period on the Chemical, Microbial and Fermentation Characteristics of Guinea Grass - Cassava Leaves Silage.
Outbreaks of Marek’s Disease in Layer Chickens Farms in Khartoum and Gezira State in Sudan: Clinical and Pathological Aspects.
Seroprevalence of Peste des Petits Ruminants Among Goats and Sheep in Enugu State of Nigeria.
A Review of the Published Anatomical Research on the African Giant Rat (Cricetomys Gambianuswaterhouse).
Foreign Body Rumen Impaction with Indigestible Materials in Ruminants in Nigeria: A Review.
Rift Valley Fever in Camels in Northern Burkina Faso.
The Immunological Relationship Between Typanosoma Evansi and Trypanosoma Vivax: Serum Neutralization Studies Findings.
Helmith Parasites Found in Goats Slaughtered for Meat in Etim Ekpo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.