Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa: Vol 62-3

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African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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This bulletin covers the following articles:
A Retrospective Study on the Prevalence of Plastic Materials in the Rumen of Sheep
and Goats In Nairobi, Kenya.
Assessment of Helminth Load in Faecal Samples of Free Range Indigenous Chicken in Port Harcourt Metropolis.
Prospections des glossines et autres mouches piqueuses dans les cercles de Sikasso et Kadiolo au Mali en prélude à une campagne de suppression.
Prevalence des trypanosomoses bovines dans les cercles de Kadiolo et Sikasso au Mali avant le demarrage de la campagne de lutte.
Enquête de base parasitologique de la trypanosomose animale dans trois zones agropastorales du Burkina Faso.
Presumptive Diagnosis of Avian Encephalomyelitis in Japanese Quail in Ibadan, Nigeria
Time Series Analysis and Public Health Implications of suspected Bovine Tuberculosis in Cattle Slaughtered in Lafenwa Municipal Abattoir, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria –
The Isolation and Antibiogram of Aerobic Nasal Bacterial Flora of Apparently Healthy Grasscutters (Thryonomys Swinderianus Temminck, 1827).
Co-administration of Albendazole and Levamisole to control multiple Anthelmintic resistant Nematodes in a sheep farm in Kabete Kenya.
Survey of Disease Status of Chickens in Some Poultry Farms in South-West Nigeria.
Leukocyte profile of different breeds of the nigerian cattle in Haemoparasitic Infection.
Prevalence of Brucella Antibodies in Sheep and Springbok (Antidorcas Marsupialis) reared together in the Karas Region, Namibia.
The Histomorphology of the African Palm Squirrel (Epixerus Ebii) Lacrimal Gland.