Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa: Vol 65-3
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African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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This bulletin covers the following articles:
Bacterial contamination of stored table eggs from commercial chickens fed garlic meal additive.
A retrospective sero-epidemiological study on rift valley fever in cattle in Uganda between 1997 to 2009.
Development of trypanosomosis agglutination card test (TACT) utilizing fixed and stabilized procyclic antigen from culture-derived trypanosome brucei gambiense and its evaluation in Uganda.
Effect of oral levamisole treatment of cockerels on their responses to experimental intraocular infection with velogenic newcastle disease virus.
Effect of ruminal plastic bags on wellbeing of goats.
Effects of superliv® supplementation in feed on some biochemical parameters and egg quality indices of post peak shika brown layers.
Mapping the distribution of tsetse and animal trypanosomosis in selected districts of Uganda to facilitate targeting control measures.
Validation of site-specific spraying of cattle for trypanosomosis control in areas infested with glossina fuscipes fuscipes in Uganda.
Inoculation of mycoplasma mycoides mycoides by endotracheal intubation produces a milder disease than by contact transmission.
Isolation of lumpy skin disease virus from cattle in and around kombolcha and dessie, North Eastern Ethiopia.
Sodium arsenite-induced reproductive toxicities in male wistar rats: role of tridax procumbens leaf extract.
In vitro acaricidal activity of callistemon viminalis and cupressus lusitanica leaf essential oil against amblyomma variegatum tick.
Haematology, serum biochemistry and growth performance of pregnant kalahari red goats fed concentrate diets at three protein levels in Nigeria.
Prevalence of ruminal and reticular foreign bodies in cattle slaughtered at jimma municipal abattoir, South Western Ethiopia.
Epidemiological study on haemoncus contortus, in small Ruminants slaughtered at jimma town municipal abattoir, Oromia region, Ethiopia.
Phytochemical and anti-microbial activity of methanolic extract of moringa oleifera, aspilia africana and azadirachta indica leaves using rabbit caecum.
Pathogenicity and antibiotic sensitivity pattern of salmonella species isolated from pond-reared clarias gariepinus (burchell, 1822).
Temporal and spatial patterns of theileriosis in Zimbabwe: 2000-2014.