Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa: Vol 65-4

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African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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This Bulletin covers the following articles:
Effects of selected multipurpose, medicinal and aromatic plants on in vitro methane production and microbial diversity.
The histological analysis of the proventriculus and gizzard of broilers fed wheat bran based diet supplemented with natuzyme and maxigrain.
Assessment of the nutritional quality of variously-processed rubber seed meals as dietary ingredients using the laboratory rat as model for pigs.
Multidrug resistant enterohaemorrhagic escherichia coli O157:H7 in pigeons in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Behavioural response of west african dwarf kids to repeated separation from their dams during the first week of lactation.
Effect of tamarindus indica (linn, 1753) pulp and leaf- fortified diets on experimental aeromonas hydrophila infection in clarias gariepinus (burchell, 1822).
Sero-prevalence and associated risk factors of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia in goats in selected districts of Bale zone pastoral area, South Eastern Ethiopia.
Chemical composition and in vitro dry matter digestibility of moringa oleifera, aspilia africana and azadirachta indica leaves using rabbit inoculum.
Comparison of infrared, electronic digital and mercury-inglass thermometers: 1. West African dwarf goats.
Phenotypic diversity of the domestic donkey (equus africanus asinus) in the sudano-sahelian zone of Cameroon .
Characteristics of cattle slaughtered in the municipal abattoir of bafoussam and prevalence of tuberculosis.
Effects of varying feeding times on fertility and hatchability of broiler chicken breeders in a tropical environment.
Prevalence and pathology of indigestable foreign bodies in rumen and reticulum of cattle slaughtered at Kombolcha Elfora abattoir, North East Ethiopia.
Influence of moringa oleifera leaf meal-based concentrates and stages of lactation on milk yield and udder parameters of kalahari red does.
Assessment on major livestock health problems in southern zone of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.
Livestock management practices and mortality profile in animal husbandry in North-eastern Nigeria.
A gross and light microscopic study of three neoplasms in farmed clarias gariepinus and its hybrid.
Effect of probiotic mixture on some haematological parametres in escherichia coli o157:h7 experimentally infected yankassa lambs.
Prevalence and diversity of gastrointestinal nematodes of cattles in and around Jimma town, South Western Ethiopia.
Relapse following chemotherapy of human and animal african trypanosomoses: a review.
Phenotypic diversity and phylogenetic relationship between the bakosi/baweri and other pig breeds (sus scrofa domesticus) in the humid forest with monomodal rainfall agro-ecological zone of Cameroon.
Yosurvival of goat spermatozoa in tris-egg yolk extender supplemented with vitamin E.
Phytochemical and anti-microbial activity of methanolic extract of moringa oleifera, aspilia africana and azadirachta indica leaves on rabbit intestinal pathogens.
Prevalence of cattle trypanosomiasis and babesiosis in the western highlands of Cameroon.
Prevalence, risk factors and parasitic diseases co-infection of pigs in Osun State, South-west Nigeria, 2006-2015.