Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa: Vol 66-3
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African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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This Bulletin cover the following articles:
Imagerie echographique du developpement embryonnaire chez La chevre du sahel.
Facteurs menaçant la survie d’apis mellifera adamsoniiLatreille 1804 (hymenoptera, apidae) et la production de miel au Sénégal.
Prevalence et incidence socio-economique des principaux motifs des saisies de viande bovine a l’abattoir municipal de Kousseri au Cameroun.
Diagnostique de la filière apicole dans quatre bassins de production du sénégal : forces, faiblesses, menaces et opportunités.
Formule de barymetrie pour l’estimation du poids chez les Zebus goudali au Cameroun.
Effect of bread waste and moringa oleifera leaves (bwmo) in the basal diet of rabbit.
In vitro fermentation and rumen microbial count of West African dwarf goats fed garlic (allium sativum) powder.
Blood tumor necrotic factor-alpha, erythropoietin and interleukin-9 in the pathogenesis of acute anaemia in trypanosoma Congolense infected rabbits.
Clinico- haematological and biochemical features of natural babesiosis in nigerian breeds of cattle.
Effect of varying dietary energy and protein levels on Performance of grower funaab – alpha chickens.
Blood profile of broiler chickens administered aqueous extract of azadirachta indica (neem) and mangifera indica (Mango) bark in water.
Bacteriological quality of milk produced and marketed by smallholder dairy farmers in Mbeya and Mbozi districts, Tanzania.
Incidence of foetal wastages in sheep and goats slaughtered at Funakaye main abattoir, Gombe state.
Using participatory epidemiology to explore livestock husbandry systems and relative importance of small ruminant’s diseases amongst pastoralists in Sokoto state, Nigeria.
Prevalence of reproductive problems and associated risk factors of cows in smallholder livestock production system in and around Ambo town, Ethiopia.
In synergy to improve feed utilisation and haematology in Turkeys.
Marché des médicaments vétérinaires au cameroun : Réglementation, organisation et circuits de distribution.
Analysis of current status of poultry value chain in Ethiopia: Implication for information generation and exchange: a review.
Prevalence of foot abnormalities in small ruminants in bauchi Metropolis.
Prevalence of bovine of schistosomosis in and around nekemte, East Wollega zone, Western Ethiopia.
Review on the relationship of climate change and prevalence of animal diseases.