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Guidelines to Minimize the Impact of Pesticides on Bees Pollinators

dc.contributor.authorMbahin, Norber
dc.descriptionRecommendations Formulation of friendly policies, regulation and guidelines on pollinators and other beneficial insects. Include risk assessment studies on beneficial insects (pollinators) in pesticide dossiers. Re-evaluate regularly the risk assessment studies for the already registered pesticides to confirm their compliance. Conduct studies to identify the exposure routes of pesticides to pollinators and how to minimize this risk. Train members of pesticide registration committees on promoting pesticides that are not harmful to bees and identification of hazardous pesticides to bees Implement pesticide industry- social responsability Establish insurance for beekeeping (insurance of hives against mortality)
dc.description.abstractThis document addresses some of the concerns surrounding the use of crop protection products and the health of pollinators. A synopsis on the exposure of pollinators, especially bees to pesticides. Challenges surrounding the use of crop protection products and the health of pollinators A recommendation on policy issues that should be considered in order to minimize potential negative impacts associated with pesticides use. Guidelines to minimize the potential impact of pesticides on pollinatorsen_US
dc.titleGuidelines to Minimize the Impact of Pesticides on Bees Pollinatorsen_US

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