Browsing AU-IBAR Information Resources by Title
Now showing items 153-172 of 242
Launch of Tuli Cattle Federation of Southern Africa (TCFSSA) and First General Assembly Meeting
(2021-11)Draft communique on the Launch of Tuli Cattle Federation of Southern Africa (TCFSSA) and First General Assembly Meeting that took place 16th to 19th November 2021, Johannesburg, South Africa -
Le Developpment Durable Du Betail Pour Les Moyens De Subsistence En Afrique
(2015)Du Betail Pour Les Moyens De Subsistence -
Live2 Africa Project Baseline Study Report
(2020-12)The baseline study laid the groundwork for measuring implementation progress and other critical parameters for tracking the impact of the Live2Africa project implementation. -
Live2Africa : Soutien Panafricain à l'UA-BIRA pour un Développement Durable de l'élevage pour les moyens de subsistance en Afrique
UA-BIRA met en oeuvre Live2Africa. Live2Africa vise à soutenir la transformation du secteur de l’élevage africain afin de contribuer davantage à un développement durable sur le plan environnemental, résilient face au ... -
Live2Africa Fact Sheet
(2020)This fact sheet highlights summary information on the Pan-African Support to the AU-IBAR for a Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa (Live2Africa) -
Live2Africa Project Brochure
(2017)This Live2Africa project brochure provides a background to the project and the context in which the project is located, highlights the projects seven result areas which are aligned with several programs, policies, declarations ... -
Live2Africa Project Close Out Workshop: Programme
(2023-06-08)Live2Africa Project Close Out Workshop Programme held under the theme "Sustainable Investment in Livestock for Livelihoods and Trade in Africa" -
Live2Africa Project Information pack
This information pack articulates Live2Africa's goals in its pursuit of sustainable and inclusive growth, as envisioned in the Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDeSA). -
Live2Africa support on mitigating the Impact of Covid-19 in Kenya
(2018)This brief highlights interventions that were supported through Live2Africa Project, that proved useful towards mitigating the Impact of Covid-19 in Kenya. -
Live2Africa: Report of a validation workshop on proposed hybrid business model, and governance structure for the regional Technology and Innovation Incubation hubs in Africa (A-TiChubs)
(2019-10)This report is the outcome of a validation exercise for hybrid continental draft business models for the establishment and operation of regional Technology and Innovation Incubation hubs in Africa (A-TiChubs). The draft ... -
The Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDeSA) 2015 - 2035: The Roadmap to a Successful Livestock Sector
(2015)The “Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDeSA) 2015–2035 seeks to transform the African livestock sector for accelerated and equitable growth. The strategy aims at addressing identified barriers in the sector ... -
Log frame for the Pan-African Programme for eradication of Peste des Petits Rumininant (PPR) 2022 - 2026
(2022-03-17)Log frame for the Pan-African Programme for eradication of Peste des Petits Rumininant (PPR) 2022 - 2026, presented by Dr. Hiver Boussini. -
Mainstreaming African Women in Livestock Value Chains for a Sustainable Tomorrow
(2022-03)During the month of March 2022 – International Women’s Day month, some Women that are part of the African Women in Animal Resources Farming and Agribusiness Network (AWARFA-N) gathered in Kenya at a proposal writing workshop. ... -
Mapping and Assessment of National and Regional Livestock Policy Platforms in Africa
(2021-12)The purpose of this study was to identify best practices, limitations, and weaknesses of livestock platforms on a national and regional scale in order to propose practical actions to improve their operationalisation. -
Market Information Systems Audit on the State of Livestock Market Information Systems in Africa
(2022-03)Majority of African livestock farmers are older smallholders living in isolated rural areas and thus lack appropriate access to markets for their products and they are also deprived of agricultural market information. ... -
Mechanisms for rationalization of fisheries and aquaculture platforms and networks in Africa and anchoring them to regional economic communities and regional fisheries organizations
(2023)This brief is written by the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute and is based on findings from a study to develop Mechanisms for Rationalization of Fisheries and Aquaculture Platforms and Networks in Africa ... -
Mechanisms For Strengthening Public Private Producer Partnerships (PPPPs) In Southern African Development Community (SADC) Red Meat And Live Animals Value Chains (RMLAVC)
(2021)This manual describes mechanisms and strategies for effective Public-Private Partnerships (PPPPs) in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) that improve market access at the local, regional, and international ... -
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives State Department of Livestock - Kenya Livestock Breeds Catalogue
(2019-06-01)This catalogue provides consolidated information on livestock diversity available in Kenya, including their distribution, utilization, current status and associated risks.