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Annual work programme _ cost estimate for PACE Tanzania(1st November 2002 to 31st October 2003).

dc.contributor.authorAfrican Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
dc.description.abstractThis is a second Annual Work Plan and Cost Estimate for the PACE (Tanzania) Component which is part of the Regional Pan-African Programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE) under the Organization of African Unity Inter-African Bureau of Animal Resources (AU-IBAR). The first Annual Work Plan and Cost Estimate was approved and funded Tsh.1, 004,080,000 equivalent to Euro 1,81,271 running from 1stNovember 2001 to 31stOctober 2002.. The Tanzanian Component got on board late and thus the lost time of one year is incorporated in this Year 2 Work Plan by combining Year 2 and 3 Cost Estimates and Activities indicated in the Global Plan, which is re-submitted as an accompanying document. The Government of Tanzania (GOT) has met the requirement that National Budgets to Epidemio-surveillance activities should show an increasing trend and that countries should be committed towards compliancy to the OIE Pathway in the eradication of Rinderpest. In the fiscal year 2001/2002 besides Personnel Emoluments indicated in Year 1 Work Plan of Tsh.182, 000,000 the government released Tsh 847,700,000 to PACE (17) related activities, which mostly were for CBPP control (Tsh.434, 000,000) and Other Veterinary Services (Tsh 413,700,000). In year 2002/2003 the government budget to Epidemio-surveillance and control of epizootic diseases of high economic significance is envisaged to increase following the adopted Target Oriented Budgeting System and the inclusion of Animal Diseases Control Programme as one of the Intervesion logic in the Agriculture Sector Development Strategy (ASDS) The first year of PACE (17) was mostly a capacity building and inception phase of the programme. Implementation of the planned activities and funds utilization up to July 31st2002 will reach good levels. A developed Performance Management System (PPM) spearheaded project performance in year 1 Work Plan.
dc.subjectPan-African Control of Epizootics (PACE)
dc.titleAnnual work programme _ cost estimate for PACE Tanzania(1st November 2002 to 31st October 2003).

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