Farming in tsetse Controlled areas Regional Component..PDF

(en=English; ar=Arabic; fr=French; pt=Portuguese)
African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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The European Commission have been involved in supporting tsetse and trypanosomiasis control in
East Africa since 1987 when Phase I of the EC funded human sleeping sickness control programme in
south east Uganda commenced. The human sleeping sickness epidemic of the 1980s in Uganda
spread into Kenya in 1987 and reached a peak there in 1990. This led to the Organisation of African
Unity establishing a project to integrate activities on either side of the Kenya-Uganda border. The EC
has now agreed to fund a programme for the eastern Africa region and financing agreements have
been signed between the Commission and the governments of Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia. In time it
is anticipated that other countries within the region will join the programme (Tanzania, Burundi,
Rwanda). Each country programme has a different emphasis and Technical Assistants will be recruited
separately for each country. In addition a Regional Co-ordination Unit will be established within the
OAU Inter African Bureau for Animal Resources (IBAR) office in Nairobi and a Technical Assistant
will be recruited for this Co-ordination Unit.