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African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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This study is the mid term review of the FITCA (Farming in tsetse controlled areas) Programme. This review is commissioned as planned in the FITCA Financing agreement. It has however been slightly delayed to take into consideration the late start of some country projects. The evaluation will be undertaken in April/May 2002. A team of independent consultants will conduct the evaluation. The duration of the study will be approximately 8 weeks.The study is a mid term review of the FITCA programme, including all its components. The objectives of the study are to: • Analyse the coherence and the relevance of the objectives • Assess the results and the impact of the project so far; • Assess the strategy adopted during the project implementation, • Consider the expected success of FITCA in the remaining period of the project. • Formulate recommendations for the remaining period of the project (given in the form of a logical framework) FITCA is an on-going programme financed with EDF regional and national funds. A 4 year financing agreement for regional funds was signed in March 1997. It is complemented by national financing agreements covering Uganda, Ethiopia and Kenya (signed in September 1996). The total of the Financial Agreements for FITCA is 20,000,000 EURO. By an exchange of letters signed in January 2001, the project period has been extended to the 31.12.2003. FITCA has three major country programmes (Uganda, Ethiopia and Kenya) that are being coordinated regionally. The Regional Tsetse Co-ordination Unit (RTCU) based in the Organisation of African Unity / Inter African Bureau for Animal Resources (OAU/IBAR), is also responsible for the coordination of regional activities (research, training and environmental monitoring). It is also endowed with resources to provide financial and technical support to Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. Technical assistance is provided to each of these four components (3 major country projects plus the regional one). The Overall Objective of the Programme is to contribute to the socio economic development of the region through coordination of national activities to ensure sustainable rural development. The general purpose is to improve the well being of the rural population and the health of livestock through sustainable rural development, and to improve the implementation capacity in the countries concerned. FITCA is not designed as just another tsetse control project. The basis of the FITCA programme is to increase farmers' income through higher productivity (animals and crops) in order to enable them to pay for inputs needed to sustain various control schemes against tsetse, ticks or other pests after the end of
keeping in mind the same general approach
- PACE Documents & Reports [183]