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African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources
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The PACE programme is a major development programme financed by the EDF in the field of animal health in Africa, reaching 32 African countries. The Programme started on November rt, 1999, and countries started the implementation of their PACE national projects from the summer of 2000. After two years of implementation, a mid term review is commissioned, as foreseen in the Financing agreement. The review will be undertaken in the second quarter of 2002 by a team of independent consultants. The duration of the study will be 8 weeks. It is expected that the study reviews the programme at its different levels of implementation, and draws the necessary conclusions to enhance its impact. 2. OBJECTIVES OF 111E REVIEW The objectives of the Mid Term Review are to: • Analyse the coherence and the relevance of the objectives of the PACE programme • Analyse the strategy adopted during the project implementation. • Analyse the results and the impact of the project so far; • Formulate recommendations for the remaining period of the programme. 3 BACKGROUND The PACE program is an on-going 5 years programme financed with EDF regional funds. The financing agreement was signed in August 1999 for an amount of 72,000,000 EURO. A number of European Member States have made additional financial contribution to the EDF resources of PACE (UK, France, Italy). They are providing technical assistance, additional funds for specific countries, or a 'project within a project' (CAPE). The PACE programme aims at building upon the headway made in the campaign against rinderpest in order to establish lower-cost national and continental epidemiological surveillance networks for the main animal diseases, provide the countries with the capacities needed to organise economically and technically justified control programmes and develop effective and sustainable distribution of veterinary products and services. A more detailed description of the programme are presented in annex A. The programme includes national operations planned and implemented in each country and also sub-regional and regional support and coordination components.
- PACE Documents & Reports [183]