Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Atelier de validation du cadre d’établissement d’une cellule de coordination régionale de suivi, Contrôle et surveillance des pêches (SCS) dans la zone COREP ainsi que des protocoles y afférents VOL1
cette réunion était le résultat de la collaboration entre l'UA-BIRA et la
COREP pour établir une coopération régionale sur les systèmes de suivi, de contrôle et de
surveillance des pêches pour lutter efficacement contre ...
Atelier de validation du cadre d’établissement d’une cellule de coordination régionale de suivi, Contrôle et surveillance des pêches (SCS) dans la zone COREP ainsi que des protocoles y afférents VOL2
(AU-IBAR, 2018-05-10)
définir les modalités pratiques de mise en place d’une
Cellule de Coordination Régionale SCS (CCR-SCS) au niveau de l’espace maritime couvert par la
Commission Régionale des Pêches du Golfe de Guinée (COREP).
Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in the Context of the Africa Blue Economy Strategy (ABES): Synopsis of Project Achievements - December 2021- August 2022
(AU-IBAR, 2022-08)
Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in the Context of the Africa Blue Economy Strategy (ABES): Synopsis of Project Achievements - December 2021- August 2022
The regional stakeholders validation workshop for implementation of lake chad fisheries management
(AU-IBAR, 2018-03-05)
workshop was to validate the works on the
Consultancies (i) for the formulation of a project to fund implementation of the Lake Chad
Fisheries Management Plan and (ii) for the execution of selected priority actions of ...
Report of the expert consultative workshop on formulation of continental strategy for rational management of inland fisheries in Africa
(AU-IBAR, 2018-03-26)
formulate a Pan African Strategy for Rational Management of Africa Inland fisheries to ensure increased contribution to food and nutritional security, poverty alleviation and economic growth consistent with the Malabo ...
Report on the Proceedings of the Inception Workshop
(AU-IBAR, 2021-12-08)
An Inception Workshop to launch the Project on ‘Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in African Blue
Economy’ as well as to create awareness amongst the potential beneficiaries and stakeholders of the
project for collaboration, ...
Expert consultative meeting to identify priority issues and actions for enhancing the role of women in aquatic biodiversity and environmental management
(AU-IBAR, 2023)
Report on the expert consultative meeting to identify priority issues and actions for enhancing the role of women in aquatic biodiversity and environmental management.
Report on the Galo Sota – Galotse crema election of Community Resource Management Committee (CRMC) and Crema Executive Committee (CEC) election
(AU-IBAR, 2023)
A Report on the Galo Sota – Galotse crema election of Community Resource Management Committee (CRMC) and Crema Executive Committee (CEC) election. This activity was implemented under the Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in ...