Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Communique: Inception Workshop Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in Africa Blue Economy
(AU-IBAR, 2021-12-08)
Communique on the Inception Workshop to launch the Project on ‘Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in African Blue Economy’. The lunch was held to create awareness amongst the potential beneficiaries and stakeholders of the ...
Report on the Proceedings of the Inception Workshop
(AU-IBAR, 2021-12-08)
An Inception Workshop to launch the Project on ‘Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in African Blue
Economy’ as well as to create awareness amongst the potential beneficiaries and stakeholders of the
project for collaboration, ...
Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity in the Context of the Africa Blue Economy Strategy (ABES)
(AU-IBAR, 2021)
The African continent is adjacent to highly productive marine ecosystems including the seven African
Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) viz., Agulhas Current LME, Benguela Current LME, Guinea Current LME,
Canary current ...