Now showing items 1-10 of 17
Expert consultative workshop on the development of indicators and criteria for domestication of the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for fisheries and aquaculture in Africa
(AU-IBAR, 2015)
An Expert Consultative Meeting on Development of Indicators and Criteria for Alignment of National and
Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Policies to the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for Fisheries and Aquaculture ...
Live2Africa Project Monitoring and Evaluation Report: For the Year 2020
(AU-IBAR, 2020)
Live2Africa Project Monitoring and Evaluation Report for the Year 2020.
The Consultative Meeting to Validate the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for RFBs and Establishment of a Continental Platform for Regional Fisheries Bodies in Africa
(AU-IBAR, 2015-04)
Report on the Consultative Meeting to Validate the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for RFBs and Establishment of a Continental Platform for Regional Fisheries Bodies in Africa. The meeting was held from 22nd – ...
Live2Africa narrative technical report: January 2017 – October 2018
(AU-IBAR, 2018)
This report covers the Live2Africa Project's implementation from its inception in January 2017 to October 2018.
Report of the 35th meeting of the SADC Technical Committee on Fisheries
(AU-IBAR, 2016)
Report of the 35th meeting of the SADC Technical Committee on Fisheries, held in Grand Palm Hotel, Gaborone, Botswana from 09-10 June, 2016
Report of the consultative meeting to validate the terms of reference and rules of procedure for RFBS and establishment of a continental platform for regional fisheries bodies in Africa
(AU-IBAR, 2015-04)
Report of the consultative meeting to validate the terms of reference and rules of procedure for RFBS and establishment of a continental platform for regional fisheries bodies in Africa, held from the 22nd – 24th April, ...
Awareness creation workshop on fishery improvement projects (FIPs) for Eco labelling certification towards sustainable fisheries and market access
(AU-IBAR, 2015-07-11)
Workshop report on the Awareness creation workshop on fishery improvement projects (FIPs) for Eco labelling certification towards sustainable fisheries and market access11th July, 2015 in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire.
Trade and improved livelihoods in aquatic production in Africa (TILAPIA): Building capacity on fish health and aquatic biosecurity to sustain and develop aquaculture and fisheries in Africa
(AU-IBAR, 2014-12)
Technical report of the workshop on Trade and improved livelihoods in aquatic production in Africa (TILAPIA): Building capacity on fi sh health and aquatic biosecurity to sustain and develop aquaculture and fi sheries in ...
Contribution Agreement for AU-IBAREnhancing sustainable fisheries management and aquaculture development in Africa: A programme for accelerated reform of the sector (FishGov 2)
(AUDA-NEPAD African Union Development Agency, 2021-09)
Fisheries and aquaculture sectors in Africa provide millions of Africans with affordable nutritious food and livelihoods. Still, according to FAO prospective study, average per capita fish consumption in Africa is likely ...