Browsing by Title
Now showing items 779-798 of 843
Strengthening regional cooperation for combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
(2016-02)This policy brief is a synthesis of the findings of the scoping missions conducted by AU-IBAR under the EU funded project ‘Strengthening institutional capacity to enhance governance of the fisheries sector in Africa’. The ... -
Strengthening the Capacity of African Countries to Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of African Animal Genetic Resources: First Genetic Project Steering Committee: Global report
(2014-07)The first meeting of the Steering Committee of the Project entitled «Strengthening the Capacity of African Countries to Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of African Animal Genetic Resources» was held on July 17, ... -
Strengthening the Capacity of African Countries to Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of African Animal Genetic Resources: First six months Progress Report-July –December 2013
(2019)Provides a detailed account of activities during the first six months of the GENETICS project. Strengthening the Capacity of African Countries to Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of African Animal Genetic Resources ... -
Strengthening the Capacity of African Countries to Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of African Animal Genetic Resources: Inception Phase Report July 2013 – June 2014
(2013)The report highlights the Strengthening the Capacity of African Countries to Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of African Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR) project inception phase activities from July 2013 – June 2014. -
Strengthening the Capacity of African Countries to Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of African Animal Genetic Resources: Year 1 Project Report July 2013 –June 2014
(2014)First year project report of the Strengthening the Capacity of African Countries to Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of African Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR) project - July 2013 –June 2014 -
Subdelegation Manual: Version 2.0
(2021-08)This manual will provide a step by step guidance on the processes and procedures that sub-delegatees and AU-IBAR should apply in the course of implementing activities sub-delegated by AU-IBAR. -
Submission of Year III Work Planand Cost Estimate
The Pan African Programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE) Project is currently implemented in 32 African countries with a budget allocated from member countries and a grant from the European Union. The PACE programme will ... -
Support short term mission for the establishment of the PACE Web-site
On request of IBAR/PACE, these short teen missions aims to support PACE co-ordination in designing and preparing a web-site to put online. The missions are provided under the ongoing TA contract between AU-1BAR and ... -
Sur le mécanisme pour la mise en oeuvre efficace et la ratification de instruments internationaux relatifs à la pêche et à l’aquaculture dans l’Union Africaine Etats Membres (EM DE L’UA)
(2023)Le recours à des instruments mondiaux peut contribuer à promouvoir des pêcheries et une aquaculture durables. activités ainsi que l’exploitation durable des ressources environnementales dans un pays. Dans cette politique ... -
Sur l’identification et l’analyse des instruments prioritaires liés à la pêche et l’aquaculture dans les états membres de l’union afrique (EMS DE L’UA) : un pas vers leur domestication pour une gouvernance améliorée des pêches: Note de politique
(2023)Cette note d’orientation a été élaborée à partir de la mission de conseil (n° de marché : 09/AUIBAR/ 000/DGII/22) menée par le Centre pour la gestion des côtes - Centre Afrique de Excellence en résilience côtière à ... -
Established in 1971, the International Institute for Environment and Development (TIED) is a policy research institute linking environmental concerns with the developments needs of resource-poor people in the South and ... -
Sustainable aquaculture development in Africa: Shrimp aquaculture industry in Mozambique
(2013-12)This document presents the findings from a review and analysis of the shrimp aquaculture industry in Mozambique. The review covers factors that are integral to sustainable commercial aquaculture development including ... -
Synthesis of PACE Financial Report
The team of consultants should mention that after meeting with the main financial controller of the PACE programme, Mr. Alex Saelert, they have been signified that the financial data obtained are not final since the programme ... -
Synthesis of PACE Financial Report.
The team of consultants should mention that after meeting with the main financial controller of the PACE programme, Mr. Alex Saelert, they have been signified that the financial data obtained are not final since the programme ... -
Technical assistance contract.
Rinderpest was first introduced to the African continent in 1841 and it first appeared south of t Sahara in 1884, after infected cattle were imported from India. The resulting epidemic killed ov 90% of the indigenous cattle ... -
Technical Assistance to Communication and PrivatisationLegislation.
Rinderpest was first introduced to the African continent in 1841 and it first appeared south of the Sahara in 1884, after infected cane were imported from India. The re salting epidemic killed over 90% of the indigenous ... -
Technical proposal for organization of African unity- IBRA.
This proposal has been prepared for ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITYINTERAFRICAN BUREAU FOR ANIMAL RESOURCES with reference to invitation to tender REF NO: OAU-IBRA/ADMIN 38/126 Our proposal is based upon providing OAU-IBRA ... -
Technical Report of the Consultative Workshop on Operationalization of the Revised African Fisheries Reform Mechanism (AFRM)
(2021-08-11)A virtual stakeholder consultative workshop on operationalizing the revised AFRM convened by the African Union-InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) in collaboration with the Africa Union Development Agency ... -
Technical Report of the Workshop on the Establishment of a Continental Non-State Actors Coordination Platform in Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector in Africa
(2021-11-17)The Non-State Actors (NSAs) play crucial roles in the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Africa. They maintain very intimate relationships with the wider fishing communities. At national levels, the non-state organizations ... -
Technical Report of the Workshop on trade and improved livelihoods in aquatic production in Africa (TILAPIA) Building capacity on fish health and aquatic biosecurity to sustain and develop aquaculture and fisheries in Africa
(2014-11)Technical Report of the Workshop on trade and improved livelihoods in aquatic production in Africa (TILAPIA) Building capacity on fish health and aquatic biosecurity to sustain and develop aquaculture and fisheries in ...