Transboundary Animal Diseases: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
Mapping Study of Aquatic Animal Diseases - Eastern Africa
(2016)A mapping study of Aquatic Animal Diseases in Eastern Africa -
Mapping Study of Aquatic Animal Diseases - Southern Africa
(2016)A Mapping Study of aquatic animal diseases in Southern Africa. -
Etude cartographique des maladies des animaux aquatiques en afrique: Region de l’Afrique de l’ouest
(2016)A study on aquatic animal health in West Africa -
Opening Remarks by the Director of AU-IBAR on the 11th Meeting of the Regional Steering Committee (RCS) of the Global Framework for the Control of Transboundary animal disease (GF-TADs) in Africa
(2022-06-21)Opening Remarks made on the 21st June, 2022 by the Director of AU-IBAR on the 11th Meeting of the Regional Steering Committee (RCS) of the Global Framework for the Control of Transboundary animal disease (GF-TADs) in Africa. -
Brochure: The International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control ISCTRC
(2000-09)The African Union Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU- IBAR) is a specialized technical office of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (DREA) of the African Union Commission (AUC). AU-IBAR’s mandate is ... -
35th General Conference of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) and 18th PATTEC National Coordinators Meeting Impact of African Trypanosomiasis on Human and Animal Health, Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the face of challenges to sustainable investment in AAT control and HAT elimination NAF , September 23 - 27, 2019, Abuja, Nigeria Provisional Programme
(2019-09-23)The African Union Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) is at the forefront of reducing the impact of transboundary animal diseases and zoonoses on livelihoods and public health in Africa. The prevention, ... -
35th General Conference of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) and 18th PATTEC National Coordinators Meeting Programme and Abstracts Book 23-27 September 2019
(2019-09-23)Impact of African Trypanosomiasis on Human and Animal Health, Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the face of challenges to sustainable investment in AAT control and HAT elimination” Members of the Scientific ... -
Recommendations of the 34th Conference of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) and the 16th PATTEC Coordinators Meeting Held in Livingstone, Zambia, From 11th to 15th September 2017
(2017-09-11)The African Union was requested to sensitise the national government officials through advocacy, with a view to influence policies on tsetse and trypanosomiasis (T&T), focussing on the allocation of resources and ... -
31st International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control Conference Reports & Recommendations Bamako, Mali 12-16 September 2011
(2011-09-12)Following to continuous control measures implemented during previous years by NSSCPs supported by WHO, bilateral cooperation and NGOs, HAT is under control in most of the endemic countries. Despite the encouraging results ... -
Brochure; Conseil Scientifique International pour la Recherche et le Contrôle de la Trypanosomiase ISCTRC
(2007)Le Bureau Interafricain des Ressources Animales de l’Union Africaine (UA-BIRA) est un service technique spécialisé placé sous l’autorité du Département de l’Economie Rurale et de l’Agriculture de la Commission de l’Union ... -
29th Reunion Meeting; Publication No. 124; Luanda - Angola; International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC)
(2007)The 29th Conference was held in Complexo de Futungo II Luanda, Angola, 1st-5th October 2007 after a two week postponement. It was opened by Angola Minister for Health, H.E. Dr. Jose Vieira Dias van-du Nem after a speech ... -
31st Meeting Provisional Programme; Bamako - Mali 2011; International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC)
(2011-09-12)The African Union Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) is at the forefront of reducing the impact of transboundary animal diseases and zoonoses on livelihoods and public health in Africa. The prevention, ... -
30th Reunion Meeting - Publication No. 125, Kampala Uganda 2009; International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC)
(2009)The 30th ISCTRC Meeting was held at the Speke Commonwealth Resort in Kampala, Uganda between the 21st and 25th of September 2009. The meeting coincided with the 60th anniversary of the ISCTRC and the theme for the meeting ... -
Secretariat Report on Implementation of Various Decisions of the Council for Strengthening ISCTRC January 2011 Nairobi, Kenya
(2011-01)The International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) is a strategic partnership platform to promote international cooperation in the fight against trypanosomiasis, a disease that is one ... -
2011 General Conference Final Call for Abstracts; Theme: Refocusing research and control of tsetse and trypanosomiasis: A development agenda.
(2011-02)The international Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) is a strategic partnership platform to promote international cooperation in the fight against trypanosomiasis, a disease that is one ... -
30eme Reunion Conseil Scientifique International pour la Recherche et la Lutte Contre les Trypanosomiases CSIRLT
(2010-09-21)Le Bureau interafricain des ressources animales de l’Union africaine (AU-IBAR) est à l’avant-garde de la réduction de l’impact des maladies animales transfrontalières et des zoonoses sur les moyens de subsistance et la ... -
30th International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control Conference ISCTRC
(2010-09-21)The African Union Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) is at the forefront of reducing the impact of transboundary animal diseases and zoonoses on livelihoods and public health in Africa. The prevention, ... -
33rd Reunion Meeting; Publication No. 128; Ndjamena - Chad; International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) 13-18 September 2015
(2015-09-13)The 33rd General Conference of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) and the 14th meeting of the Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign (PATTEC) national ... -
32nd Reunion Meeting; Publication No. 127; Khartoum - Sudan; International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) 8-12 September 2013
(2013-09-08)The 32nd Conference of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) was held at the Friendship Hall, Khartoum, The Sudan from 8th-12th September 2013. The theme of the Conference ... -
31st Reunion Meeting; Publication No. 126; Bamako - Mali; International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) 12-16 September 2011
(2011-09-12)The 31st International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control General Conference was held at the Centre International De Conference De Bamako (CICB), Bamako, Mali as from 12th-16th September 2011. The ...