Browsing by Subject "Regional Economic Communities (RECs)"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Key Note Speech of the Third Dialogue with the Regional Economic Communities (RECs)
(2023)Key Note Speech of the Third Dialogue with the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) By MD Ghulam Kibria, Deputy Permanent Secretary-Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, The Republic of the Government ... -
Mechanisms for rationalization of fisheries and aquaculture platforms and networks in Africa and anchoring them to regional economic communities and regional fisheries organizations
(2023)This brief is written by the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute and is based on findings from a study to develop Mechanisms for Rationalization of Fisheries and Aquaculture Platforms and Networks in Africa ... -
Opening remarks by the Acting Director of AU-IBAR: Third annual dialogue with regional economic communities on emerging issues on implementation of Fisheries Governance 2 Project
(2023-07)Opening remarks by the Acting Director of AU-IBAR: Third annual dialogue with regional economic communities on emerging issues on implementation of Fisheries Governance 2 Project. -
De pêche et d’aquaculture en afrique et leur ancrage dans les communautés économiques régionales et les organisations régionales de pêche
(2023)Cette note de synthèse est rédigée par l’Institut national de recherche sur les ressources halieutiques et est basée sur les résultats d’une étude visant à développer des mécanismes de rationalisation des plates-formes ... -
Strategy for Institutional Coordination Between RECs and RFBs and Strengthening Their Relationships with NSAs
(2023)This Policy Brief is the consolidation of the outcomes of the deliberations of the AFRM Working Groups and the Think Tank Executive Committee inaugural meetings and workshops organized by African Union-Inter-African Bureau ...